MYSQL support 'NO' error on localhost

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MYSQL support 'NO' error on localhost

Post by jmjkumar » Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:36 pm

This is my first post on this forum after I installed joomla1.5 on my Win-XP with FAT-32 file system with Apache, MYSQL and PHP. Please note that, I installed php inside the apche installation folder.

This is about the "MYSQL support - NO" error which I got while trying to install. But after went through this link -, I was able to install joomla on my machine successfully. So, decided to put all the steps here and the steps I went through as follows.

MYSQL suppot - NO

-- Open the 'php.ini' file on text editior (eg:Notepad). This file will be located inside the "C:/Windows" folder)

-- Remove the semicolon (Uncomment) infront of the following lines,


-- Replace the line:

extension_dir = "./"


extension_dir = "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/php/ext"
(Sometimes with << extension_dir = "C:\PHP\ext">> if you installed PHP on C:/ , In my case I installed PHP inside the 'Apache' Installation


-- Now save this file and close it.

-- Go to the 'conf' folder which will be located inside the 'apche' installation folder. Open that folder and locate the file 'httpd.conf' and open

that file on text editor.

--In this opened up 'httpd.conf' file find the location similar to (LoadModule php5_module "C:/Program Files/Apache Software

Foundation/Apache2.2/php/php5apache2_2.dll"). In my case, I installed PHP inside the 'Apache' installation folder. When I looked inside the

'httpd.conf' file mine was <<< LoadModule php5_module php/php5apache2_2.dll >>> , which was a relative location. Which did not worked for

me. So, I changed it to real path location. If you installed PHP on some other place like in C:/ , change it accordingly. And now save this file.

-- Now go to the following link and download the .zip file, ... /from/pick

(When you go to this link you will be asked to register with them. If you are not interested, go down a bit and select " >> No thanks, just

take me to the downloads! ")

-- Now you will be taken to the mirror location page. If your browser not supporting 'FTP' access, use one of the ' HTTP ' sever link nearest

to your country.

-- Now download the file to a location and open the file ' '

-- You can find 2 files inside.

-- Place the 'libmysql.dll' in the "c:\php" folder and 'php_mysql.dll' into the "c:\php\ext" folder . Say yes for overwriting warning messages (If you

installed PHP on different location, place the files accordingly).

-- Now restart the "Apache" server. Try to install Joomla. If you still got the "MYSQL support NO" error, try the following.

-- I did upto this step to install the Joomla 1.5. It worked fine for me. If you have any futher problems, follow the steps below.

-- Check that your system's file system on NTFS. If so try the following.

-- Right click the above placed files, select properties. Click 'SECURITY' followed by 'ADVANCED'. If the " Inherit from parent the permission

entries that apply to child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here" check box is clear, click on the check box to select it and

APPLY. Do this for both of this file.

-- Now re-start the 'Apache' and check your Joomla installation for ' MYSQL support NO ' error.

-- If the 'session save path' has changed from being "writable" to "unwritable", do the following,

simply create a 'sessions' folder in your main "c:\php" folder.

Now edit your PHP.ini file and set the appropriate variable, i.e.

session.save_path = "C:\PHP\sessions"

If you did anything further to resolve a problem same as above, post here ;)


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