swfupload issue

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Joomla! Fledgling
Joomla! Fledgling
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Location: California

swfupload issue

Post by bbarton80 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:15 pm

After looking through the forum I could not find anything to helpful on my issue.
I have used the documentation on the Joomla site for adding swfupload to a component http://docs.joomla.org/Creating_a_file_ ... _component. I followed it closely and tried a few different options such as adding it to a component, manually adding it to the index.php template page without the addscript syntax and other syntax that would only apply within the component etc.

No success however I try it.

The code will show up on the page except for the key ingredient...
<span id="spanButtonPlaceHolder"></span>
I have double checked syntax to make sure I don't have an incorrect punctuation. I don't receive any errors.
Is this code required for the above to display?
"option" : "com_mycomponent",
"controller" : "mycontroller",
"task" : "mytask",
"id" : "'.$myItemObject->id.'",
"'.$session->getName().'" : "'.$session->getId().'",
"format" : "raw"

Now for the question... Is there something interfering, like a joomla setting or anything else... I can get swfupload to work fine in a basic php file without Joomla. Thanks!


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