Installer Issue

Joomla! Fledgling
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Installer Issue

Post by Lonecrow » Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:16 pm

Apologise if this is in the wrong place or duplicated.

I installed 1.5 and tried installing JoomlaBoard. I received the message that it required legacy mode to be turned on. So I turned on Legacy mode and tried again.  I received a message that a cetain directory and file already existed and the install failed. I logged onto my server and the directory referenced does not exist.  I cleared my cache and got the same message.

Does the installer record locations in the db?  If so the abortive install does not clear it.  Not sure if this is the fault of the extension or the joomla installer but should probably be addressed.

JInstaller::install: There is already a file called X:\xxx\xxx\joomla15\administrator\components\com_joomlaboard\sb_cpanel.php - Are you trying to install the same CMT twice?

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Re: Installer Issue

Post by RussW » Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:22 am

Not wishing to ask dumb questions here, but are you sure you referenced the correct components directory? The message points to the /administration/components/ not /components/

Login to your Administration site and check to see if Joomla! still beleives this component is installed. If so, try to uninstall it through Joomla! again and double check that any /com_joomlaboard/ directories are not present, in both the administator and public sections of your filesystem structure.
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Re: Installer Issue

Post by ikari » Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:28 pm

Got exactly the same problem. Weird thing is the formentioned directory is nowhere to be found!
I tried locating it using ftp and the webhost's cPanel, but the directory is nowhere.
It seems like the installer either creating the directory then it crashes and deletes the folder, or for some weird reason the installer just crashes thinking that the file is there.

One thing I;ve got to add, is that I tried to install it twice. The first time I had legacy mode off. The second time I turned it on and the I got that message, but as I told you the directory is not there! It should install fine, but it doesn;t.


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