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Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:41 pm
by xany_sm
Buenas tardes,

Estoy desesperadísima, ojalá podais ayudarme.

Instalé joomla en el servidor remoto y necesito reinstalarlo para poder crear una base de datos vacía pues la anterior no me funcionaba bien.
El tema es que, cuando subo el paquete de instalación de Joomla al servidor no me deja empezar instalarlo desde el paso 1, sino que me sale la pantalla de que debo eliminar la carpeta de instalación antes de continuar.
He probado a borrar la carpeta de mi joomla, volverla a subir y meter el archivo de instalación pero no hay resultado. Cuando elimino dicha carpeta, como era de suponer, me sale el siguiente mensaje "Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL".
Supongo que ha debido quedarse algún dato de la instalación anterior pero no sé donde podré localizarlo, o si es cosa del hosting (infortelecom).

Os agradecería enormemente vuestra ayuda

Un saludo


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:29 am
by jdavis74

Good evening,

I desesperadísima, hopefully you can help me.

Joomla installed on the remote server and I need to reinstall it to help create an empty database for the former did not work either.
The issue is that when I upload the Joomla installation package to the server will not let me start from step 1 to install but I get the screen that I must remove the installation folder before continuing.
I tried to delete the folder from my joomla, picked up again and put the installation file but no result. When I delete that folder, as expected, I get the following message 'Unable to connect to the database: Could not connect to MySQL'.
I guess I had to keep some data from the previous installation but I do not know where I can locate it, or if it is a thing of the hosting (external internet).

I would greatly appreciate your help

A greeting


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:32 am
by jdavis74
It sounds like there is an existing Joomla site, which is why it's not letting you start the installation from step 1. Unless you have content from a previous Joomla site that you need to save, your best bet is to create a new (blank) database, delete all of the existing Joomla files, then do a fresh installation.