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Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:03 pm
by abcrobots
I am having difficulty installing J1.5 on my intranet. My webnerds gave me a folder and a database to connect to, but I can't get anything but a 500 internal server error. I am simply moving these files and my database from a www server to my internal server. I'm not sure how to configure the configuration.php and .htaccess files to point in the right direction.
Usually, the host is 'localhost', but I suspect this needs to be changed to the name of my database server. Also there is a juicy bit of code in the .htaccess file that refers to the server not being directly related to the web address, which in my case is true. How do I change that? from a '/' to what? What syntax is used?

Can anyone help?


Thanks in advance.

Re: Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:40 am
by imanickam
You have to get the absolute path to the tmp & log directories to fill/change them in the file configuration.php.

You could attempt to transfer your site developed in Joomla! to another host/location by the following ways.

(i) Use the extension Akeeba Backup Core ( ... ackup/1606) to backup your site including the database. You have to transfer the archive file created by Akeeba Backup Core to your remote host and use the kickstart.php script file (created by Akeeba Backup Core developers) to restore the site. Also, you would have a back-up permanently.

(ii) Use the manual process. Review the document ... te_host%3F for more information. Even though the document talks about copying a site from a localhost to a remote host, it is equally good to copy a site from a remote host to another remote host.

In both the cases, you have to create a new database on the remote host, create a user for the database, grant all privileges to the user for connecting to it.

Re: Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:30 am
by abcrobots
Thanks for this.
Does xampp <ul>absolutely have to be installed</ul> on the remote host in order for Joomla to run? I'm not sure I can coinvince my webnerds to install that.....
I have other PHP based sited running on this system, but Joomla appears to be a tricky one.

Re: Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:14 pm
by imanickam
As you may be knowing by now, Joomla! operates in an environment that contains a Web Server (e.g., Apache), Database (e.g., MySQL), and PHP Engine.

Review of the requirements would be of help.

XAMPP can provide such environment. If your intranet runs on Windows, you could also consider software such as WAMP Server.

Re: Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:09 pm
by abcrobots
Thanks so much so far. I think I might be getting there.
I checked, and here's what my techies tell me.

"MySQL is version 5.1.

Joomla can be a beast of a program… a complete CMS system is not quite what was in mind when you said you wanted to transfer over two websites that were already built and running. Our standard CMS is currently Drupal. I don’t know if they are using Joomla anywhere.

From what I can see on that single page you listed, we are running Microsoft IIS v6 and a phpinfo page reveals we are using PHP 5.2.4. If Bryan can confirm we are using MySQL version 3.23 or higher (not version 6.x – incompatibility with this version apparently), you should meet the minimum specifications for Joomla 1.5.x. A big caveat of this would be if Joomla or your built webpage requires any additional IIS components or PHP modules that are not listed on that minimum requirements page. Also, if there are any Linux/apache dependancies that are not included with IIS. On this current server, you will not meet the requirements for any other Joomla versions."

So I tried a clean install complete with installation feature and my existing database, thinking that I might ba able to let Joomla resole the paths, connections etc.. I wasn't able to get past the "You must delete the Installation directory in order to proceed. Presumably something in the database told the installation script it was done, and went to the default message. Deleting the installation directory took me back to my Eroor 500 page. This is very frustrating. Am I missing something?


Re: Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:08 pm
by abcrobots
So are there any other places where code might require me to insert the physical path to the server, or is it relative to the first page and automatically follows its path from there?
To access my pages, I was give a folder on the main system which does not relate to the URL of the site.
How do I address it?

I simply moved all my files and folders into this space, and changed the DB name, user and password to the new ones, copied the DB in its entirety to the db server, provided the db with the user and password, and all privileges. my PHPsheduleit site works great, but Joomla struggles.

I really need help.

Thanks again.

Re: Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:20 am
by imanickam
What URL was used to do the install?

During the installation, whether all the steps were done step=by-step until it reached the end with the message "Remove the Installation Directory"?

If the installation went step-by-step, what parameters were used to connect to the datebase (e.g., host name, username, password, and database name)?

Once installed, all the paths would be relative to the site's base url. The absolute path would be used only in the file configuration.php for recording the paths to the directories log and tmp.

Re: Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:45 am
by abcrobots
OK, so when I tried to do a full install, The only message I got was "Installation complete, now remove the installation directory." I never got to do the steps. Once I removed the directory, I go right back to the error 500 page.

If this helps, my install was simply to copy the files onto a network drive, like //nts/somedomainesomewhere/subfolder/moreofthis and the URL they gave me is a subdomain url like

I'm not sure how the site gets mapped from the network folder to the subdomain. could that make a difference?
If the log and tmp directories do not exist, would that cause the error?

Re: Installing J1.5x on an Intranet

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:03 pm
by imanickam
If the first screen itself is showing that the installation is complete, it means that there is a file named configuration.php is in the directory where you are installing Joomla!

You should first clear all the files in the directory. Download the latest version of Joomla! Stable Package and then try to install.