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VEL RSS Feed Instructions

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:57 pm
by mandville
The Vulnerable Extension List team would like to announce the availability of the
Twitter feed for @joomlavel!/JoomlaVel/
RSS feed for the Live VEL.
Resolved RSS feed

To enable this feed, either place the dedicated url ... Extensions

Here are two examples of how to use the feed.
For your website front end it will produce a list like this if used in the news feeds
FireShot capture #027.jpg
If you wish to place it in the administrator cpanel position then it will display in the following format.
FireShot capture #028.jpg
The feed is top heavy, to highlight the latest items. If you wish to comment, or have any questions then please ask in the forums.

How to get yourself removed from the from the VEL
Resolved items will be removed after a suitable period and not on resolution

Please solve the issues and:
If JED listed

- Publish a resolution notice on your site (its good for PR)
- Contact the vel team
- The VEL team will "resolved" the entry
- Attach the new zip file at your actual JED listing
- Change the extension version at JED listing
- submit a jed listing ticket detailing your update to the listing
- and the jed will republish your listing.

If not JED listed.
Contact the vel team and link to your resolution notice on your website.

Technical Questions.
The RSS feed is currently sent with the latest item at the top.