Feeding the Trolls

Joomla! Enthusiast
Joomla! Enthusiast
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Feeding the Trolls

Post by slord » Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:05 pm

Note this is pruned off another thread where I thought a bit of humour might help a n00b called "I-hate-Joomla"
so if it looks a bit weird here.... that's why...end edits:

Well, feeding the trolls is not usually smart but its the Weekend and the festive season is approaching when we can all take some time to go out and peek under bridges to bring a little happyness into the life of a lonely troll. 
St. Hallmark had a great parable about the trolls.... 
He was once waylaid on a journey from his glitter and cardboard castle to the land of men.  As he was passing over a bridge a huge troll jumped up and demanded payment, St Hallmark immediately countered with "but tis the festive season, tis I that shall be paid" but the troll advanced determined to attack the good saint. 
St. Hallmark noticed the troll favored one leg and asked of the troll what ailed him....
The troll was stopped by the inherent goodness of St Hallmark who was well regarded and more or less the single person who saved the whole world's festive season.  In the past people had often thrown money away, literally giving money to charity and the needy and it was in this way that the troll had previously survived, grotesquely disfigured as he was.  Since St Hallmark had helped everyone realise the real meaning of friendship is buying a card and tacky present the troll had progressively been ignored and eventually had to resort to waylaying travellers for food or money..

St. Hallmark examined the foot of the troll and found a glass bouble had broken and stuck into his foot causng the troll agony and St. Hallmark courageously removed  the bouble and bound up the trolls foot.  He reached into his coat and gave the troll a warming festive drink that melted the cold hard heart of the troll. 

When the troll awoke with a stinking headache he found he was chained to a wall in a land far far away where people wrote with pictures not letters. 

He was put to work stoking the great furnace where the children happily slaved away on 20hr shifts making the tack that let St. Hallmark sell his joy and festive spirit worldwide.  St. Hallmark stuck the shattered bouble together and saw that is was good... and now we add them to our festive tree every festive season. 

So the moral of the story is Trolls are not all evil, many of them just need drugging and enslaving so they can become productive members of society. 
Last edited by slord on Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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