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About Events in JPeople...

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:40 pm
by djfeliz
Courses specific extensions, or basic courses Joomla! in a city of any country can be considered as an event?

A meeting of users but which contain in their programming courses Joomla! or any specific course of any Extension Joomla! is considered an event, right?

How to prevent a user from using JPeople Events to promote their courses Joomla! attendance on courses of extensions Joomla!, outside their group ?

In Community Guidelines, mentions about groups:

" is about people, not companies and the focus should be on enabling discussions and not promotions."

About Events:

"The events area is for Joomla! events only and must adhere to all other guidelines set forth in this document."

In my mind ... classroom course or specific course on Joomla Extension, the event is not in the general interest of the international community.

Re: About Events in JPeople... Course is not an Event

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:24 pm
by djfeliz
In Wikipedia, the terms are treated separately:



Although an event may be included some training courses, one course in particular is not considered an event.

So in JPeople, regarding the events can not ne included in the listing, classroom courses, or even, online courses.

Not to be doubts for moderation, the section title in JPeople, the same should be Events and Courses.

In addition to the existing categories: General and Joomla! Day, must also be created a new category just for Courses.


Re: About Events in JPeople...

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:50 pm
by newnectar
An event is something that happens at a given place and time. Courses will most likely happen at a given place and time and should then be considered as events. For ongoing online courses it may not work. My recommendation is to use the following guidelines when moderating:
- does it benefit the Joomla community and its users?
- does the "event" have a location and time?
- does the topic of the event follow the community guidelines?

Re: About Events in JPeople...

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:36 am
by djfeliz
Ok, in english ... Because the original text is in Portuguese (Brazil). ... tinho.html

Title: Course Joomla! presence in Brasilia with Julio Coutinho

Event Details
29 and 30 October and hope you are only 07 (seven) positions. More than learning Joomla! you will have the opportunity to learn all phases of a project will be presented to bugs that only occur in corporate environments and what is better, learn how to solve them. Learn how to increase the security of your Joomla website. More information

It makes me understand that, only 07 (seven) positions is of interest to all community Joomla! !!!

Remembering ... is about people, not companies and the focus should be on enabling discussions and not promotions.

The events area is for Joomla! events only and must adhere to all other guidelines set forth in this document.

So ... Any course on any third-party extensions, provided they put Joomla! the title is an event Joomla! ? Or is it just the interest of promoting the extension?

On the other hand, an event of interest to the entire community, should be reported, by at least one to two months in advance ... agree?