
Crowdin/JoomlaV5 - com_finder.commonword.txt Format

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Crowdin/JoomlaV5 - com_finder.commonword.txt Format

Post by imanickam » Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:22 pm

In Crowdin, in the folder JoomlaV5, the format of the contents com_finder.commonwords.txt is different than that of in JoomlaV4.

In JoomlaV4, all the common words are presented as a single field/string; whereas in JoomlaV5, the commonwords are presented as multiple fields/strings - one field/string per word.

This is an issue as the common words may not be the same between English and other languages. There could be more/less common words (due to variations of words with respect to genders, plurals, and so forth) in other languages than English.

The implementation of how these words are entered/handled in Crowdin is better implemented in JoomlaV4. The behavior has to be implemented in JoomlaV5 as well.

Please look into the matter and take corrective action.

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