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Joomla is an Arabic word=Phrase/ sentence: words alltogether that make sense.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:47 am
by mbenhassine
Differently from what is written in the Joomla web site, Joomla is an Arabic word that has two meanings (may be more, but the two most important): Phrase/ sentence= ensemble of words that make sense or alltogether. The word is widely used is commerce as "sum" (The reason why you find this same meaning in many asian and african countries where Arabic traders travelled...)
What is not really understandable is that in the joomla web site, it is mentioned that Joomla is a Swahili word, while Swahili is just a local dialect containing 95% of Arabic words, and this word is Arabic and used with the same meaning in Swahil dialect!!!

Hope you agree with the idea that bases should be stand solid enough, to ensure phenomenal launch of Joomla. I know that recognising and confirming it clearly, that joomla is an Arabic word, would be somehow difficult considering the current world situation, but this should not push Joomla core team to adopt and spread wrong information, just to avoid saying that it is an Arabic word!
For the Logo, I suggest that it will be written following the magnificient Arabic Calligraphy. here are some examples:,4878.0.html

Re: Joomla is an Arabic word=Phrase/ sentence: words alltogether that make sense.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:07 pm
by Mohammed
I couldn't agree anymore , you're absolutely right !

Re: Joomla is an Arabic word=Phrase/ sentence: words alltogether that make sense

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:52 pm
by Lingtyp
mbenhassine wrote: while Swahili is just a local dialect containing 95% of Arabic words, and this word is Arabic and used with the same meaning in Swahil dialect!!!
Calling Swahili an arabic dialect is not acceptable from a linguistic view. Despite having many loan words from several other languages (not only from arabic and surely not 95%!) Swahili is a member of the so called Bantu Language family. This is clearly shown by its morphosyntactic structure. Please try to stay to scientifically tenable statements before giving any advice to others.

Re: Joomla is an Arabic word=Phrase/ sentence: words alltogether that make sense.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:36 am
by brad
Ok, this thread is VERY old, nearly 10 months.. lets close it. The name is decided :)