Senyera catalana per al Joom!Fish

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Joomla! Fledgling
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Senyera catalana per al Joom!Fish

Post by ciberkun » Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:30 pm

Hola, soc nou al fòrum.

Soc en Quim de Malgrat, n'acavo de fer una que no se si es grossa o petita, però n'estic molt orgullós.

En un dels meus primers projectes amb Joomla, concretament la web de la meva feina Immobiliària Finques Quim, vaig decidir posar el component de Joom!Fish per tenir-la en Català, Castellà i Anglès. La meva decepció va ser al posar el mòdul de seleccionar idioma, tots el idiomes disponibles tenen l'icona petit amb la seva bandereta, menys la catalana. Ja hi som!!.
No obstant, tossut que soc vaig dir, doncs si no l'han fet per nosaltres, la faig jo. Dit i fet, deu o quinze minuts de Gimp, amb retocs i un xic de sombres per que llueixi, anomenarla ca.gif posar-la al directori corresponent i ja està.

No n'he tingut prou, que despres de quasi un any de funcionament, m'he preguntat, i perque no els ofereixo l'icona als senyors de Joom!Fish? algú mes li agradaria tenir la nostra icona, no?

En un principi em varen dir que no podia ser, perque la bandera 'ca.gif' per al català entra en conflicte amb la bandera de Canadà i el seu short-code.
Però tossut tossut que soc els he convençut. Aquest matí m'han confirmat que en la seva pròxima versió, la 2.2 que surt la setmana que vé, ja tindrem la nostra senyera inclosa !!!

Així que companys, qui vulgui joomfish al seu projecte ja tenim senyera.

Quim Mayà.
Last edited by ciberkun on Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joomla! Fledgling
Joomla! Fledgling
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Re: Senyera catalana per al Joom!Fish

Post by ciberkun » Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:56 pm

Adjunto els correus intecanviats amb el Sr Alex Kempkens.


> > Hello, I'm from Malgrat de Mar, near from Barcelona.
> >
> > In Catalonia, (part of Spain), we speak Catalan, and I developed some
> > webs in various languages, Catalan included. Usually I use your Joomfish
> > component, and I miss our Catalan flag.
> >
> > I designed it and I bring to you.
> > I hope you include it to new releases of Joomfish.
> >
> > Thank you very much for your time.
> >
> > Quim Mayà.


> Dear Quim,
> Thank you for the flag. We have a small issue with these flags that is the fact that typically the flags we provide are for a language version and related to a shortcode of a flag. Now Catalan is as far as I know sp_CA as ISO code, correct?
> What would you expect the short code to be for the flags especially as CA is used by Canada already?
> - Alex
> Am 04.01.2012 um 20:41 schrieb Quim:


Dear Alex.

I'm very grateful that you have answered my email.

I understand the conflict with flag name, although I think that this
problem could be outside for joomfish.

At Catalan language we use the ISO code ca_ES.utf8

In Canada, the official languages ​​are English and French, and the ISO
code for them are en_CA.utf8 and fr_CA.utf8 with english and french
language flags, apart there are some dialects: the algonkino, Iroquois,
Sioux, athapaskano, kootenayano, salichano, wachano, tsimichiano, Haida
and Tlingit, but I supose they are not recognized as an official
language, and not present in joomfish.

Joomfish is a translator component, and the flags used, are only for
language best identify, and the only possible problem is with Canada.

In Joomfish, Canada has no recognized language that requires the name of
'ca.gif' therefore they never demanded their flag to identify their

I think it could be considered include the Catalan flag at Joomfish as
'ca.gif', also without modify your component, it recognizes the catalan
flag when I just added ca.gif to the
folder /components/com_joomfish/images/flags/ and is recognized as short
code for Catalan language (attached screenshot).

Excuse my insistence, but Catalans would be very grateful to be present
in joomfish.

Thank you very much for your time and your attention.

I'm sorry, my english is not perfect, but is better than our spanish
Presidents english.

Quim Mayà

I la resposta final del Sr. Kempkens:

Hi Quim,

I just figured out that the Catalan flag is already in our repository for JoomFish 2.2. This version is the next public release of JoomFish and scheduled for this week.

Kind regards


Companys, aquesta nit obro una ampolla de cava !!!!


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