Joomal Template standard for table less design

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Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by Graemezee » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:20 pm

When i first started using mambo i set out to use table less templates. I had some success at this but working on a mac I found I need to develop a site with two style sheets one for IE and one for the rest.

I  have one heavily modified site which tries to be compliant but to achieve this I have to stay away from ad on components and modules. All of my remaining site do not have a requirement to be compliant but i endeavored to maintain the table less design process. 

Sadly I have had to switch some of my site back to a table based design. Php shop has made the effort to make table less design for its shop component. where the old table based version worked in my table less template.  the new  component  table less structure conflicts  with my table less  template  wrecking the page layout. Through necessity Ie getting the upgraded site back up and running,  the quickest solution was to produce a table based template which works fine with this component.

If jooomla is driving towards accessibility compliance  would it not make sense to have a template with the functionality  like solar flare,  totally table less in structure. Which third party  developers can conform to and  template designers would have  structure  which would guarantee to work with new table less components and modules.

The fact that I can produce a table less templates which function perfectly for a year with all aspects of mambo,  Only be floored by a component aspiring to css output.  This worrying  for the future, I am willing to accept it is my design that may be at fault, but it demonstrates the potential for a lot  problems and possibly a need for a standard to be set for table less templates

Just a thought



Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by vavroom » Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:35 pm

When we reached the point of tableless output, we will provide (at least) one css driven template.

We shall also be doing advocacy and education to 3PD devs so their add-ons work with the system.  So we'll do what we can to ensure smooth integration, but there's also a point where the 3PD devs have to come to the party :)

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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by Bunny » Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:06 pm

At the moment do we have any table-less template for free yet?  :-*


Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by vavroom » Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:56 pm

I believe Made Your Web is fully CSS driven and comes with the core package.

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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by kickn » Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:04 am

I'm a new to joomla (having developed for the last few years sites with drupal) and have to say that in general I am very impressed with Joomla/mambo. I choose to support joomla and have just spent two days setting up some basic templates and getting a feel for the system on a couple of sites I have to do soon. I have to be honest and say that I was dissapointed when I noticed that all the components use tables for headers/etc. This is a bit crazy given how IE handles these isn't it?

Would a first easy step be to put a wrapper around the three main sections of each module? That would allow for much more control on templates and means my pure-div layouts I've just done would still work :(

Any ideas when this will become a focus?


Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by vavroom » Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:49 am

kickn, have you seen:,24921.0.html It should answer some of your questions.

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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by kickn » Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:57 pm

Thanks - I did see that and have gone through most of it. The issue of course is with mainBody but I've worked around most of these issues now.

Whats the plan for changing all modules to div's only? Any chance of doing this for the next revision? I would like to use joomla for my clients but don't want to convert all of these now and then loose them in the following upgrades. I would be willing to help standardise this if that would help.



Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by vavroom » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:27 am

As explained in the post I refered you to, all modules can be loaded through divs by using the "modifiers".

If by module you mean what is called in mosMainBody, that's a different story.  It's not a module, but the result of a component (com_content).  I believe that content is scheduled to be refactored, but I dont' know if it will be done in 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3.

I have done a fair amount of work on that, you can see the results/proof of concept at It's just a question of finalising and implementing, which the guys on the core may or may not be able to implement immediately.

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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by excentricus » Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:47 pm

Hello Joomla folks!

I've been using joomla for the past few dayas and this is my first post, mainly because all of the questions I had have been
answered elsewhere on the forum, so no need to start a new 'please help!' thread. The community is great and very responsive,
so that's a good start.

I have a question for vavroom: Do you know where I can find the 'made your web' template? I'm sure I've seen it before somewhere,
but even google isn't turning up any results.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by vavroom » Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:02 am

It was a default template with one of the earlier releases.  Was in the 1.0.1 release maybe?


Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by AmyStephen » Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:03 am

Excentricus -

Welcome to Joomla! I am glad you were able to get Nic's assistance! He is "the" expert in this area.

If you are interested in learning material, since you are new, please allow me to offer the "Absolute Beginners Guide to Joomla!" .

Good luck and continue to post if you need more assistance!


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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by Jenny » Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:38 pm

excentricus wrote: Hello Joomla folks!

I've been using joomla for the past few dayas and this is my first post, mainly because all of the questions I had have been
answered elsewhere on the forum, so no need to start a new 'please help!' thread. The community is great and very responsive,
so that's a good start.

I have a question for vavroom: Do you know where I can find the 'made your web' template? I'm sure I've seen it before somewhere,
but even google isn't turning up any results.

Thanks in advance.
The made your web template is available in all 1.0.xx releases of Joomla! Including the current release 1.0.10 you can download the complete file for 1.0.10 here: ... s5788?dl=1

After you unzip the file you will find the made your web template inside the template directory.
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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by excentricus » Sat Aug 05, 2006 7:28 pm

Hello again, and thank you for all your help. I did find the template a while later (the forum note warned me not to expect
a response since it was 45 days since the last post). Althought I didn't have any problems so far configuring joomla, modules,
compnents etc., I will take the effort to read the complete begginers guide to joomla as advised. Hopefully it waill save me
and the forum gurus some time and trouble.

Thanks again.


Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by AmyStephen » Sat Aug 05, 2006 7:34 pm

I am confused about the 45 day thing? Good job on such good progress by yourself. It is never any problem to ask questions, though, so do not hesitate to ask, if you need help. If your question gets "stuck" for a long time (yes, that unfortunately happens), feel free to PM me. If I am not busy, I will help or try to find help for you.


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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by eyezberg » Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:53 pm

Template also available from the dev' himself (but no more support as he stopped working with Jommla) on his site, with 3 color variations and some config options in the included config file: ... ilecatid=4
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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by bluefightingcat » Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:38 am


I use a the "made your web" template which I have customised for my site. I was wondering whether the "made your web" template is compatible with Joomla 1.5?


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Re: Joomal Template standard for table less design

Post by ianmac » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:53 pm

Yes...  Joomla! 1.5 is backwards compatible with 1.0 templates.  You will need to enable legacy mode.



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