Predator is working on a B2Evolution Joomla! bridge ?

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Predator is working on a B2Evolution Joomla! bridge ?

Post by EMRhelp » Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:27 am

[quote="vavroom "]

While you can "blog" with Joomla! it's not really a blogging system.  There are a few components for blogging that were made for Mambo, that may work in Joomla!  I also think that there's someone working on a new blog component for Joomla!, but I can't remember who, nor how far along they are (in other words, I wouldn't count on it!).

For a multi-user blog, I would look very closely at B2Evolution ( ).  It has the added advantage of being multi-language out of the box.  Further, Predator is working (in his spare{!} time) on a bridge/integration between B2Evo and Joomla! (,1360.0.html )


Is it true Predator ?  Joomla!/vBridge/vBulletin/B2Evolution would be a powerful combo !  How about all in the same user base !  ;D ;D
Last edited by kenmcd on Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Predator is working on a B2Evolution Joomla! bridge ?

Post by clenard » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:11 am wrote:
vavroom wrote:
While you can "blog" with Joomla! it's not really a blogging system.  There are a few components for blogging that were made for Mambo, that may work in Joomla!  I also think that there's someone working on a new blog component for Joomla!, but I can't remember who, nor how far along they are (in other words, I wouldn't count on it!).

For a multi-user blog, I would look very closely at B2Evolution ( ).  It has the added advantage of being multi-language out of the box.  Further, Predator is working (in his spare{!} time) on a bridge/integration between B2Evo and Joomla! (,1360.0.html )


Is it true Predator ?  Joomla!/vBridge/vBulletin/B2Evolution would be a powerful combo !  How about all in the same user base !  ;D ;D
poor guy... give him a rest lol -- 4 pieces of software integrated would be a hell of a time with support  :'(

If It's true -- I feel bad for him... hopefully he has more people to help with support!


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