Merħba Għall-Joomla! Malta

Joomla! Apprentice
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Re: Merħba Għall-Joomla! Malta

Post by stephensaid » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:37 am


Veru impresjonat li hawn forum bil-Malti ukoll, u tant Maltin li juzaw joomla.
Jien ilni madwar sentejn nuza joomla u vera sibta tajjeb.

Bhallissa qieghed niprova nintegra Crafty Syntax Help Desk fil front end tal-joomla billi nuza custom module.
Ghandi difficulta bil-username. Ghandi bzonn nkun naf il-username tal-persuna loggjata fil-front end biex nghadija l-crafty syntax fil-url.

Sissa ghandi hekk:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript" src="
global $my;
echo $my->username; 
Nahseb li l-code li qed nuza tapplika biss ghal jomla 1.0 waqt li jien qed nuza 1.5
Xi hadt jaf x'code irrid nuza ghal jooma 1.5 biex ngib il-username jekk joghogobkom.

Grazzi bil-quddiem

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Re: Merħba Għall-Joomla! Malta

Post by dattard » Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:40 pm

Hawn hu il code Stephen ;)

$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$user_id = $user->get('id');

Ghandi ezempju fuq il website tieghi kif tuza dak il code biex tahbi menus meta user jillogja perezempju. ... ed-in.html

Isma, Stephen, jekk taghti daqqa t'ghajn lil website tieghi, tara li hemm numru ta modules b'xejn. Wiehed minn tal bidu (Random Flash) kien invenzjoni ta Umek. Jekk int, jew xi hadd fil forums ta Malta kiteb xi modules zghar jew hekk u jrid jaqsam mal bqija tad dinja tal Joomla, ikkuntattjawni minn hawn jew minn fuq is site tieghi, u nzidhom fuq is site.

Jew jekk xi hadd ghandu xi informazzjoni utli x'jaqasam fuq il Joomla (li hu l-ghan primarju tas site), jista jtini daqqa t'id napprezza ghax jien ma tantx ghandi cans :( - We make Joomla and WordPress Easy: Tutorials, Tips and Tricks, Lots of Free Modules incl. Easy Paypal, Popin Window, Random Flash, Google AdSense, Slide Menu (dropdown), 2CO / Paypal payment, [youtube] module, and more!

Joomla! Apprentice
Joomla! Apprentice
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Location: Malta

Re: Merħba Għall-Joomla! Malta

Post by stephensaid » Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:20 am

Hi again.

L-ewwel haga grazzi ta l-informazjoni. Hdimt sew bihom.
Live Help Software ghal mal-joomla mhux tant hawn. Issib ohrajn li tista tpoggi go module, pero l-backend trid taccessah minn post iehor mhux minn go joomla bhala componenet. Hu possible li tirreppjah go component dat-third paty Live Help software?

Aparti dan, nixtieq insib xi haga fejn inkun nista nimmanigja l-leave ta l-imjegati mill joomla li qed nizaw bhala intranet. Il-features li nixtieq huma:
  • User japplika ghal leave
    Manager receives an email notifying him of application
    Manager can accept or decline, leaving a remark, the application
    If manager accepts leave, leave records are updated
    An email is sent to user with acceptance or rejection
    Manager can browse users to see leave records
    User can browse his own leave
    A chart showing the leave records of all users would be nice
    Possibility for global changes, such as inputting opening balance or shut down leave for all or selected employees
Above tips are off the top of my head, but are the basic functionality of what I require.

I attempted building it several times using dadabik, joomla fabrik and some others. The best approch must have been fabrik.

Do you know of anything better or a ready made solution.

Further more, if anyone is interested to build such an application on fabrik or any other suitable component and want to join forces, I'll be glad to set up a fresh joomla installation with the necessary components installed so that we can develop it.



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