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windows media player module/component

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:10 am
by afandi
Ada sapa yang jumpa module wMP untuk joomla
bagi tau

Re: windows media player module/component

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:53 am
by Fuqaha
Module Window Media Player?

Tak penah lak jumpe.. tapi component/plugin/mambot yg boleh play file *.wmv ade la..

Try nih.. MgMediaBot ... 5/#rev-681

mgMediaBot diplays varius multimediafiles in your content:
1. Upload your media with your media-manager, or if to big with your favorite FTP client, for example to images/stories/video/videodatei.wmv
2. Add in your content the following:
- for a popup link:
{mgmediabot}images/stories/video/videodatei.wmv|true(Click here to play)|300|300{/mgmediabot}
- for displaying the video in your content:
3. parameters:
1) your media file, supported for now rm, wma, wmv, mpg, avi, mp3, mov, mp4, flv and swf, you can use absolute, relative and full URLs, if you use a subfolder for your joomla Installation and like to display the media inline you have to use only relative or full URLs
2) false for displaying inline, true(Link title) for displaying a link with "Link title" as linktext to popup
3) width of displayarea/popup
4) height of displayarea/popup
4. MP3: for using multiple mp3s you can enter them like this: file1.mp3;file2.mp3;.... (seperated by ";")

Robust and usefull, much like the Jogadgets.

Re: windows media player module/component

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:20 am
by mastersuse

daripada post diatas, boleh share link tak component MgMediaBot? sebab main link tak boleh pakai, share dkat email pun boleh, please.. tq

Re: windows media player module/component

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:07 pm
by Matt Bourne
AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) is truly THE all-in-one media management solution for Joomla! and a classic must-have extension for any Joomla! based website. ... allery/812