Static Page with a Seperate Blog Section

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Static Page with a Seperate Blog Section

Post by Shizzo » Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:42 am

Hi. I have a mostly static website.

I would, however, like to add a subsection of the main site that is a blog. I would like the newest stories/posts of the blog to show up on the Front Page of the domain (along with some static content). When I add new stories/posts, I would like the old stories to "roll off" the front page, and into the blog section (in another area of the site). I would like 2-3 newest stories to show up on the front page of the site, and as they are replaced with newer content, I would like them to live permanently in a blog area of the site.

My site is

If you hit the jump and view the site, I would like the stories such as "What Im reading", The "slashdot" story, and the "3ix" story to roll off the front page, and into a blog area as I add more content. This way, readers could navigate to the blog section, and dig up old stories.

I am a brand new Joomla user, and have made my site what it is with only trial and error. If anyone could offer tips, links, or a tutorial, I would be very appreciative.




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