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Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:12 pm
by jever20
G'day users,

I chasing some help from anybody who's encountered my problem or has some time to offer a suggested fix.

I'm new to Joomla & css. I have set up the skeleton of a school web site that incorporates a flash (.swf) file on the home page [url][ ]. I'm using the mod_d4j_transmenu and for some reason the submenus display behind the flash file on my home page, which makes them a bit useless as they can't be seen. I like the style of the mod_d4j_transmenu and would prefer to use it rather than a 'drop-down' submenu, as is available in Joomla.

I've tinkered with an existing CSS template to change colour scheme, logo, etc. to customise my layout to suit the look I am chasing but that's the extent of my experience with CSS or HTML.

Any feedback would be sincerely appreciated.


Re: mod_d4j_transmenu

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 2:12 pm
by wood_flower
jever20 wrote: I'm using the mod_d4j_transmenu and for some reason the submenus display behind the flash file on my home page, which makes them a bit useless as they can't be seen.
Try the solution posted here and here.