Civimail on shared server

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Civimail on shared server

Post by dbuch » Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:11 pm

I am hoping to begin using civicrm and civimail on a standard reseller hosting account. I have an account running with opensocialsites but i am not really up to speed with server administration and shell access. Peter has been very helpful but I think a need a more standard reseller hosting plan that will run for me. Is there any plan to make future versions of civimail require a little less server customization?

Here is what the host I like said they have at the moment:

1. Do you need Amavis in particular or will any filtering do? We run ClamAV on our premium servers although this will shortly be replaced with Mail Foundry hardware appliance filtering.

2. We fully support PHP 5.2.1 as well as 4.4.6 on all of our shared servers. SOAP is not something we have setup but DOM XML etc. are loaded.

3. Yes, we run MySQL 4.1.x on all of our servers.

4. No, we don't run Postfix we run Exim version 4 which interfaces with sendmail.

5. Yes, we run Perl 5.8.x.

I can set up the but the documentation does not say whether postfix is still required.

Best regards,

Joomla! Guru
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Re: Civimail on shared server

Post by lobo » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:58 am


we dont expect to be putting a lot of resources and/or effort into making CiviMail require less server customization. This potentially is quite time consuming and the potential users of CiviMail is fairly small ((typically the smaller-medium sized consulting shops)


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Re: Civimail on shared server

Post by dbuch » Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:43 pm

This discussion may go beyond the scope of the joomla forum, but what I am looking for is a fully integrated system that i can run under joomla. Email communications and tracking is clearly a big part of the picture. If the majority of your users, are using all the other elements of civicrm, but not civimail, how does anything stay integrated.

I really want to go forward with developing civicrm website/crm applications but I can't make sense out of using another system for emailing contacts built and collected through the other elements of civicrm (as well working that data back into the contact information).

If someone can give me general workflow that they are using to solve this problem, I would really appreciate hearing about it. I have several groups i am involved in that would really benefit from crm, but if I can't implement it under a fairly typical reseller hosting environment....

Don't get me wrong though, I think the software is really great and I am looking forward to adding it to the sites I develop. And yes, I am a typically the smaller-medium sized consulting shop, but most smaller npo's can't afford anything more extravagant.

Best regards,

Joomla! Guru
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Re: Civimail on shared server

Post by lobo » Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:37 am

If you have several groups that you are looking to deploy it for, any specific reason why you are not getting a dedicated server and/or a dedicated virtual server with more control of the code you deploy on the server etc (i.e. the ability to install Civimail)

you might also want to ask this question on the civicrm-dev mailing list and get other folks experience



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