Module Structure

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Joomla! Fledgling
Joomla! Fledgling
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Joined: Wed May 16, 2007 7:02 pm

Module Structure

Post by itsokimirish » Thu May 17, 2007 11:32 am

Hey folks,

I was wondering if I could please please please get help with this asap, I have been trying to find the answer for 2 days now, with no results, and no reply from support requests.

I am doing a 1 time design for a group, that uses Joomla as the mainframe of the site. The design is calling for a lot of custom content, and the only thing I can't find, is where the div's for the title, and body of "welcome" and "newsflashes" are from the front page.

I've guessing its only 2 divs I'm looking for, as I found the div's for the modules, and was able to work with them perfectly. They where located in frontend.html.php. I've looked for files just like this, but so far, no luck.

I know all these can be styles with CSS, I'm not looking to style them, I'm looking to wrap them in a table, so that a particular design can be made stretchy, which is too complicated for Joomla to handle on its own.

I would appreciated any help at all with this.

Thank you so much.



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