Install civicrm on a local host

Joomla! Fledgling
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Install civicrm on a local host

Post by zeakvuv » Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:24 pm

Hi my name is zeak

i am trying to install civicrm on my localhost using WAMP5 but do not seem to be getting anywhere i have been reading though the forums and found a list of thing i must do before trying to install. but it does not tell you how to do them it just say constant your local php consultant/professional but i do not have access to one of those where i live.

so can anyone help me with these things

1) Setting the php memory limit is more than 24M

2) Setting the php execution time limit is at least 600

3) Disable the open basedir settings for the installer

4) Making my media directory writable

Thanks for any help that can be given in these areas

best regards


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