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Re: [LOW:NOT CORE: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:27 pm
by jfranken

Works for 100%.

I tested it on a virgin installation with just Joomla and Joom!Fish.

I'll let you know what happends on some of the production items.

Now I first to reverse the entries made before with '0'  :D

Thanks a million,


Re: [UNDER REVIEW: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:49 pm
by akede
Hi all,

1) thx Enno for pointing me to this issue.

2) this basically means that if I add the code mentioned above into the bot of the fish it should work?

Can someone of you please check the attached files if they will solve your problem? It is a new version of the system bot from the fish, including the mentioned patch.

If it works I will include this in the next version of the Fish.

Many thx


Re: [UNDER REVIEW: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:45 am
by user deleted
Q&T Note; feedback from Developers > NOT BYG/JOOMLA CORE, closing and moving to Resolved.

Re: [UNDER REVIEW: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:19 pm
by user deleted
Q&T Note; marking as NOT CORE, moved to resolved

Re: [UNDER REVIEW: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:27 pm
by eelziere
Hi All,

Sorry to be so late to give you feedback (I have been busy like hell lately...)

Here are my configuration details:
- System: Windows NT build 2195
- Database version: 5.0.16-nt 
- PHP version:  5.1.4 
- Web server:  Microsoft-IIS/5.0 
- Web/PHP interface:  isapi 
- Joomla! version:  Joomla! 1.0.11 Stable [ Sunbow ] 28 August 2006 20:00 UTC 
- Web browser:  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) 

... and yes, I use Joomfish!


Re: [UNDER REVIEW: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:37 pm
by friesengeist
Hi eelziere,

thanks for the feedback. Since there are more queries which are incompatible with MySQL 5 than the ones mentioned in your first post in this thread, we will not change them for 1.0.12.

You should be fine though when using the Joom!Fish mambot attached this post: ... #msg563570


Re: [UNDER REVIEW: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:27 am
by Wayner
Thanks for the fix! It worked on my Joomfish site - which is also based on IIS and PHP5. I spent a considerable amount of time scratching my head and wondering what I did wrong when I transferred my dev site from a local Xamp setup to a production IIS environment.

Only thing I would propose is that these files be placed over at the Joomfish Forge site as a documented fix so others can avoid the painful experience and grab them when they download the initial Joomfish files.

Because this wasn't done, I'm now worried there are other patches to the Fish that I haven't stumbled onto yet (yikes!).

Thanks again to the problem fixers and of course to the fine folks who make Joomfish,


Re: [UNDER REVIEW: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:34 pm
by player
After struggling for days, it is running perfectly now. Thanks eelziere

Re: [UNDER REVIEW: 1.0.11] Some bugs and fixes

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:48 am
by rithirun
Thank you.

This attach file is work.
I spend much time to config it, and find why i can not use Joom!Fish.

Good stuff.

akede wrote: Hi all,

1) thx Enno for pointing me to this issue.

2) this basically means that if I add the code mentioned above into the bot of the fish it should work?

Can someone of you please check the attached files if they will solve your problem? It is a new version of the system bot from the fish, including the mentioned patch.

If it works I will include this in the next version of the Fish.

Many thx
