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[LOW:KNOWN ISSUE:1.0.11] i smell a rat - article_seperator

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:04 pm
by maddunr

I wasn't sure where to address this issue.. so, if I am in the wrong forum, please direct me to the correct one.

There is a typo in the core content css for Article Separators. The style is called span.article_seperator. Now, I know that a style can be called anything! But, in the interest of design standards and usability (and for spelling and grammar nazis like me :) ), I was wondering if this can be changed to spell correctly (span.article_separator).


PS: If you smell "a rat", it's "sep-a-rat-e". That's how I was taught :)

Re: i smell a rat - article_seperator

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:19 pm
by Jenny
Moving to J! Quality and Testing forum.

Re: i smell a rat - article_seperator

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:38 pm
by toubkal
This should have been fixed as soon as it occurred (the issue was brought up very quickly).

The problem now is that there may be many thousands of sites using joomla with templates coded for the mis-spelled class.

If you change the class, these templates will no longer function correctly.

There are many issues in joomla with poorly assigned css classes (many from way back such as the .contentpaneopen class being applied to two different elements of an article) but changing them is a real headache for existing sites. I guess we should look to nail these issues before 1.5 goes stable.

Re: i smell a rat - article_seperator

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:43 pm
by user deleted
Q&T Note; I have to agree with David (toubkal) here, fixing this would most likely break a lot of sites. Marking this as Known Issue.

Re: [LOW:KNOWN ISSUE:1.0.11] i smell a rat - article_seperator

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:55 pm
by maddunr
To everyone who's replied: thanks for taking the time to reply!

I agree that this is not an important issue or bug. However, with all due respect to mods and developers alike, it will not 'break' sites - merely misalign them. A simple statement in the changelog will take care of this (someday, maybe even automatically?). And this, in my humble opinion, is a small price to pay for a less typo-ridden internet :) (waxing poetic!).

Just my 2 cents. Thank you for looking into this issue. Your time spent is truly appreciated.

- V

Re: [LOW:KNOWN ISSUE:1.0.11] i smell a rat - article_seperator

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:33 pm
by toubkal
maddunr wrote: However, with all due respect to mods and developers alike, it will not 'break' sites - merely misalign them.
I am sorry but I disagree - who can say what a template designer has used that span for?. It may have been intended to give a few pixels gap between articles but somebody may have used it to add a really significant element into a design.

Designers can easily implement a fix in a few seconds but what about all those people who have used a 3rd party template and have no knowledge of code (or any intention of learning).

what about commercial designers who will be required to provide a fix for possible scores of templates and deal with support contact from customers. Especially as these are often sold on at a relatively low unit cost, you do not want to deal with this kind of thing.

Keeping things backwardly compatible is frustrating, but to a fair extent necessary.

Re: [LOW:KNOWN ISSUE:1.0.11] i smell a rat - article_seperator

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:24 pm
by toubkal
any how, the world of the website is full of spelling mistakes


colour is often misspelled as color ????
centre is often misspelled as center ????

in fact, when I wrote my first web page in html, it took me about 3 days to centre a page before finally realising that it had been spelled incorrectly in the html / css specification.

there are many such cases of misspelling

Re: [LOW:KNOWN ISSUE:1.0.11] i smell a rat - article_seperator

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:20 pm
by maddunr

@ Reply#5: Understandable and valid.

@ Reply#6:

What you call spelling mistakes is otherwise known as spelling differences. This is usually due to differences in the way Americans and British spell their English words. More info here - ... ifferences

colour =alternate spelling for color
favourite = alternate spelling for favorite
and so on...

seperator = wrong spelling for separator

Although I started this thread purely to document my surprise at finding a spelling error, I guess I've done more that just that :).

Hope this helped...

- V