[Solved] Images not working

Joomla! Apprentice
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[Solved] Images not working

Post by Spyder_Snyper » Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:20 am

Alright...  on my site, there are several images that reference the /images folder.  Of course, you guys akready knew that because you guys created/work on this.

The issue is, they never display.  I've posted in several different forums, followed all advice, searched and scoured the net for hours upon hours upon hours.  And I'm pretty much still at the same point I was when I started.  Nowhere near getting those images to display.  So here's a quick rundown of what I HAVE done.

- checked permisssions (CHMOD 777 to directory and all subdirectories)
- checked, time and time again, that the images in fact DO exist (and they do)
- copied the folder, deleted the old one, renamed the new one (same result)
- copied thew folder, renamed it, and tried accessing the images therein (I can view them just fine)
- deleted the original folder, and put in a symbolic link (I ran out of ideas) (all for the same result)

now...  to prove the point, here's 2 links.  One works, one doesn't... <-- doesn't work <-- DOES work

now, the /images folder is a symbolic link to the /images2 folder.
Also, I get the following interesting error message when I try to access the folder itself... produces:

You don't have permission to access /images/ on this server.

I think it may (then again, it might not be) be worth noting that someone mentioned hat it might be a database issue.  I took a look at ther DB myself, and I couldn't seem to find any sort of indication as to why/how this could be.  But then again, I have NO idea how the DB is set up.

SO...  ANY and ALL help would be GREATLY appreciated.  If there's something I missed, or you need clarification on something, just respond or email me and I'll answer as soon as I can.

    - Jon

:: EDIT ::

Well...  I solved the issue.  It WAS in my Apache config.  This is what I had thought it was, but no one could help me or point me in the right direction for help, so I re-read my Apache config and commented out a block of code, and it all works.  If you want to know what I commented out, here it is:

Code: Select all

#<IfModule mod_alias.c>
#    Alias /icons/ /usr/share/apache/icons/

#    <Directory /usr/share/apache/icons>
#         Options Indexes MultiViews
#         AllowOverride None
#         Order allow,deny
#         Allow from all
#    </Directory>

#    Alias /images/ /usr/share/images/

#    <Directory /usr/share/images>
#         Options MultiViews
#         AllowOverride None
#         Order allow,deny
#         Allow from all
#    </Directory>
It'd be kindfa nice to know why this was occuring, but not a necessity...  But thanks anyways...
Last edited by Spyder_Snyper on Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joomla! Fledgling
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Re: [Solved] Images not working

Post by gregza » Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:41 am

Hi Jon
Was experiencing exactly the same issue as yourself.
Just wanted to know if perhaps this situation occured to you in a sub-domain environment?

I installed Joomla! to a sub-domain (called "test" for example) under my main domain ("mysite.com" for example) and received exactly the same errors and image problems whenever I accessed the site using the url in the format "test.mysite.com".
But as soon as I access the site in the format "mysite.com/test" the images reappear.

I'd prefer it if my users were directed to "test.mysite.com" but guess they need to then be redirected to "mysite.com/test"

I have absolutely no idea why this would be, and as I wouldn't know where to start editing my Apache config, it's going to have to me my solution.



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