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Derivative of Joomla string : "J"

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:16 pm
by mc007

we were reading the guide lines and found that you also put the a single letter "J" under your OSM trademark. We are not sure thats acually legal but we are wondering that we can use for instance "JIOS" as own creative name creation. If you consider this as a violation, we'd like to know we are allowed to use the letter "J" at all in any creative word creation. I mean what if J is part of an unique name ?

The product it self is not using Joomla code at all, its just compatible to your CMS and thats it. Moreover, its refereing to Java not to Joomla.

and btw, is there somewhere an explaination why Joomla needs soo much control over its "self-promotion" ?


Re: Derivative of Joomla string : "J"

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:10 pm
by mlipscomb
mod note: moving to OSM forum

Re: Derivative of Joomla string : "J"

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:52 pm
by mc007
the topic is answered for me as well.

Re: Derivative of Joomla string : "J"

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:48 pm
by mandville
I am not sure how mlipscomb post answred the question for you but
which guidelines are you refring to
the OSM information is best read at ... uests.html ... tions.html ... quest.html

If you are in doubt with the information you have been given as to how your proposed use will conflict in any way with joomla!®, OSM and any trademark, then i suggest contacting a lawyer

Re: Derivative of Joomla string : "J"

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:42 pm
by mc007
I asked a ip lawyer, he laughs about the "J", just like me :-). What about you put the sky under OSM when you see too many birds ?


Re: Derivative of Joomla string : "J"

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:02 pm
by mandville
I am sure that the derivative requirements from the jed and other areas are j! joo joom in the prevention of "confusion". Not the variations as commonly read and misunderstood. Perhaps your IP lawyer should speak to OSM lawyers to play safe in this area before you commit to anything.

Re: Derivative of Joomla string : "J"

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:08 pm
by mc007
Ok to joo, joom but in all honesty not to J. Please see the ip standards for that, not just the USA laws. We will ignore this "J" thingy in the OSM clause and go ahead with our 'J' naming. The final product is primarly related to Java (Oracle$$$) and outputs a native ios apps for various CMS systems, not just Joomla. The JED integration of this service would have been nice as people seriously wants to have it indeed but when its such a pain like here we will just skip it and spent our time on something better. Good luck !

ps, Wordpress and all the others dont do this "J" thingy ;-)

Re: Derivative of Joomla string : "J"

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:48 am
by alwarren
The letter J is not trademarked. It is used to describe the trademarked logo image.

Yea, I know, old thread. So sue me.