mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

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mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:20 pm

Hey, all -

I've been working on my latest site (, which was originally posted here in the site showcase as, and I think I have figured out Leblanc's Podcast Suite (v1.1 stable) and how to get things syndicated to a desktop podcatcher and iTunes, as well as displaying in your site content pages.

I know a number of folks (besides me!) have been interested in podcasting from Joomla sites and have had some trouble getting started, so I thought I'd try to do a little tutorial on LeBlanc's podcast component to help give a little back to the Joomla community.  :)

For those who might be intimidated by the fairly lengthy notes here, please keep in mind that aside from adding new clips, most of this - all the configuration stuff (and setting up your podcast for iTunes) - you only have to do ONCE. So it may look like a lot at first, but after you first get things set up it's pretty easy!

Step 1:

Download the latest version of Leblanc's Podcast Suite (this tutorial uses v1.1 stable) here: ... 255/Itemid ,35/

Note: I've also attached an updated podcast mambot that (hopefully!) will play MP3 with Dewplayer (included in the attachment) and MOV video files with Quicktime, so you should be able to mix your podcasts with audio & video chapters. :)

Step 2:

Install the component, module, and mambot. Make sure the module and mambot are published. For the module, also make sure that it is in a module position visible on your site template, and that you have entered any text you want to appear in the module in the module's "Text" parameter. For example, on my site it's "Join our Podcast and see how YOU can help save civilization!" - right above the little podcast image. You can put HTML in this field, so if you want to make a link or something (say to your favorite podcatcher software download), you can.

The module is very important, as it contains the "subscription service" code, for lack of a better term, for podcatchers to "see" your podcast episodes. So if someone has a podcatcher and they want to subscribe to your podcast (rather than just manually clicking on audio file links in your site's content items), they would click on the image/link in this module. This will then feed the necessary subscription information to their podcatcher. So when their podcatcher goes to check on any new podcasts you've done, it will automatically know where to look and "see" the new 'casts without them having to come visit your site - it'll just download straight to their podcatcher software.

Step 3:

DOUBLE-CHECK that the "cache" directory under your root is writeable (it should be from your Joomla installation), but *also* check to make sure that the file podrss20.xml exists and is writeable. This is very important!

I was having some trouble testing my podcasts - neither the podcatcher nor iTunes could find any episodes. In this case it was because the podrss20.xml file wasn't writeable, and the Podcast Suite component couldn't update it to show the episodes that had been created.

Step 4:

In the administrator backend, go to Components->Podcast->Settings, as there are some parameters you need to set.

Path for Uploaded Media

The first setting that you have to check on is the "Path for uploaded media". You can set this to whatever you want (the default is images/stories), but keep in mind that it assumes the first folder in the path you specify will be under the root directory. So, for example, on my site I created a directory "podcasts" under the site root, so in the path field here it would just be "podcasts".

Also, if you change it from the default "images/stories" folder, make sure you create your podcast folder! I don't think the suite does this for you automatically.  :)

Player Setting

The next setting to set is the player setting. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SYNDICATED PODCASTING (that is, podcasts going to a person's podcatcher or iTunes), only with how the files play directly from your site's content pages.

The way the component is set up, you have four choices: Links, Flash PLayer, HTML Code, or Quicktime player. Let's look at each one:

Links - This is basically just a text or image link (you put what you want the link to be in the Enclosure Link Title box, below). When clicked, it calls up a very rudimentary Quicktime player that's basically just the play bar and start/stop controls. Kind of ugly.

Flash Player - the included player (music.swf) I thought was kind of nasty-looking (my apologies to the developer!), and I couldn't figure out how to get it to *not* autoplay! So I had a couple audio files starting to play at the same time when I loaded the home page! D'oh! However, I figured out how to change the player to dewplayer.swf, which both looks a lot better (my opinion) and also doesn't autoplay! I've attached a zip file that you can use to replace the existing podcast bot if you want, and it includes dewplayer.swf and a modified podcast.php bot file - note that I haven't tested the installation, but I believe it should work (if not, please let me know!). If you want to use the Dewplayer option, just click the Flash Player button in the component settings

HTML code: if you want to enter the code for your own embedded player, you'd check this and then put the code in the Enclosure Code box.

Quicktime Player: When the link to the 'cast is clicked, it calls up a 320x240 pixel quicktime player.

Enclosure Link Title

The "Enclosure Link Title" is just the text or image that you want to appear for the link in your web pages to the audio file. For example, you could put "Play It Now, Dude!", and that's the link that would appear in your content items for links to the audio files.

Or you could I put in the HTML for an image link in the Enclosure Link Title field for a button, rather than plain text, like this:

Code: Select all

<img src="" border="0">
Number of Items to Sydicate

For the number of items to syndicate, I'm not sure but I assume that's the number of items that will be maintained in the podrss20.xml file that podcatchers and iTunes can look at to "see" your episodes. So if you plan on having lots of podcast episodes available for quite a while, I'd probably put this number up higher than 10.

Other Details/iTunes Information

I think most of the rest of this is fairly self-explanatory. HOWEVER, for the iTunes section, the things you enter are information that iTunes automatically pulls up from your site's podrss20.xml file when you go to add your podcast to iTunes. But the Podcast Suite component does *not* automatically plug your Podcast feed into iTunes! You have to do that manually. But it's no sweat, and I'll cover how to do that in a bit.

iTunes Image

If you want to publish to iTunes, you'll want to make up a 300px x 300px graphic (I used a JPG) and put the full URL path into the iTunes image text box.

Step 5:

Once you're done with the Settings part, make sure to save/close it. Then you should be at the Manage Clips page (if not, go to Components->Podcast->Manage Clips).

If you haven't added any audio clips yet, you'll need to upload them with a separate FTP client to the folder you specified as your podcast directory at the beginning of Step 4. You can't upload files through the component interface.

Once you FTP the file(s), they'll show up on this list (if they don't, you either don't have them in the right folder or your settings aren't pointing to the right folder).

NOTE: (updated 2/7/2007) I wasn't sure about the file types the podcast component will work with, but according to this post by the component's creator, Josephh LeBlanc -,94886.0.html - it should handle video, as well. While I haven't confirmed this myself, I think the main concern here would be the player that you choose in the settings (in other words, depending on your video file type, you may need to use a different player than the Quicktime player), and that the subscribers have a "video podcatcher" that can view the files. Will have to look into this more.

Step 6:

As the instructions on the Manage Clips page indicate, click on the name of the file in the left column to create/edit a content item for this audio file/episode. This will take you to a modified content item editor that only shows the INTRO TEXT for the podcast content item (you can add things to the optional Main Text part later). Make sure that the {enclose yourpodcastfilename} is in this file where you want the link to the audio file to show up.

At the bottom, you can add any keywords or other information you want to appear in iTunes for that episode.

When you click on Save (or Close if you want to close *without* saving), you should wind up back at the Manage Clips page. Make sure there are green checks under the Found in Article and Article Published columns. If there are red "x" marks, click on them to make them green checks.

Step 7:

If you want to add more text to the item (like I chose to add a full transcript of each podcast following the Intro Text), you can go and edit the Podcast content item you just created like you would any normal content item in the Content Items Manger. That's where you can enter text, images, etc. in the Main Text area like you normally would.

Just make sure you have your {enclose} tag in one of the text areas (it's probably best to leave it in the Intro Text). I'm not sure, but I believe the component really only is supposed to have only a single {enclose} tag per content item; if nothing else, having more than one apparently causes problems with IE (ref this post by alexbeer:,66415.0.html).


Congratulations!!! At this point, visitors to your site should be able to subscribe to your podcast with their own podcatchers by clicking on the Podcast Suite module, as well as listen to the individual audio files through their browsers by clicking on the "enclosure" ("Play it now, dude!") links or embedded players in the content items. Now you just need to decide if you want to go to the next step: iTunes.


To publish your podcast to iTunes, the first thing you'll need is an iTunes Store account. So if you don't have iTunes installed already,download iTunes from, then sign up through the iTunes interface for a store account (you don't have to buy anything, just sign up for the account). For those who may not want to install iTunes, I don't know of any other way to get a podcast into iTunes without going through their software and store.

Once you've loaded and started iTunes, click on the link for the iTunes Store (if you're not there already) in the left navigation pane. When the store is displayed click on the link in the top left nav window for Podcasts.

In the Podcast interface, scroll down until you see the "Submit a Podcast" link in the lower left nav window.

The next thing that should come up (if you're not already logged into the store, it will make you do that first), is the "Submit Podcasts to the iTunes Directory" window. It asks you for your Podcast Feed URL.

An easy way to see what your feed URL is is to go to your site, hover your mouse over the Podcast Suite module that has the link/image to subscribe to your podcast, then *right* click->Copy Shortcut, then paste it into the text field in iTunes.

The link you paste into the Podcast Feed URL box should look something like this:

Code: Select all
NOTE: The link you paste may have "pcast://" instead of "http://". Make sure to replace the "pcast://" with the "http://", otherwise I'm not sure if iTunes will recognize it.

Click on the "Continue" button in iTunes.

The next page that comes up should show all the information you entered for iTunes in the Podcast Suite component settings. Check it over to make sure everything looks okay.

If something isn't correct, go back to your Podcast Suite component settings, change them, and REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR NEW SETTINGS. Then hit the back button in iTunes to go back to the previous window where you entered your feed URL. Reenter it (if necessary), click Continue, then check it out again to make sure things look okay.

If all looks well, the only manual setting you should have to enter in iTunes is the language (which ideally should be a parameter in the Podcast Suite component, but I'm not complaining!): just select the language, then click the Continue button.

That's it! iTunes should tell you that your podcast has been submitted to the store for review, and they will get back to you (to the email address you entered in your Podcast Suite settings) on whether your podcast is approved. Once it's approved, it will show up in the iTunes directory where folks can see it and subscribe to it through iTunes.

Wrapping Up

So, now people will have *three* ways of hearing your audio files: 1) while on your site, clicking on the audio links in the content items; 2) clicking on the link/image in the Podcast Suite module on your site, which will let their podcatching software on their computer subscribe to your site podcast and automatically snag new episodes; and 3) iTunes, which is kind of like a gigantic podcatcher where a really large audience can find and subscribe to your podcast!

The only thing you have to worry about from this point on is FTP'ing audio clips, then creating and publishing the content items from Components->Podcasts->Manage Clips manu. Your newly published podcasts will automatically be syndicated to podcatchers and iTunes, and the player you selected in the component settings will automatically appear in each new podcast item.

A final note on iTunes: as far as I know, they do *not* store your audio files, so don't expect any server or bandwidth savings. People who subscribe to your podcasts through iTunes will be downloading the audio files from your server just as if they were doing it through their own podcatcher. So if you have a really popular 'cast through iTunes, make sure your web account has lots of bandwidth! :)

If anyone has any suggestions, corrections, etc., please let me know!

Thanks and happy podcasting from!

Update (2 Dec 2007): I found a bug in the mambot that I corrected in the version attached here. :)
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Last edited by webman911 on Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by pe7er » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:02 am

Thanks for sharing this info!
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by redndahead » Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:17 am

Thanks for the tutorial and more importantly thank you for the mambot.  That has finally fixed the awful issue of it autostarting in IE. 

I appreciate it thank you.

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:00 pm

red -

great! you're welcome! :)

my next little effort is to see if i can get it to show the flash player for audio files, but also automatically embed a video player for video files (for video podcasts)...
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:57 pm

//Note - I moved the attached mambot to the first entry in this thread, but will leave it here, too.//

hey, all -

okay, i modified the podcast mambot a bit so that it'll play audio files with the Dewplayer flash player (included in the bot package i've attached) *and* quicktime .mov video files for video podcasts - automatically.

so, for example, if you do an audio podcast, on your site the Dewplayer flash audio player will show up in your content item and play the file when a visitor clicks the play button. then let's say you do a quicktime movie (.mov) file in your next content item, it will show up in an embedded quicktime player (autoplay = OFF).

note that i have *not* tested this on a live site yet - i would test it on, but i don't have any video podcasts ready yet.

right now this bot will *only* work with mp3 and .mov files (filenames must be lower case), and the player settings - links, flash player, quicktime, etc. - in the components settings, while still shown, are effectively disabled. Dewplayer and QuickTime video player will show up on their own depending on whether the file is mp3 or mov.

again, i haven't been able to test it on a live site, but in THEORY if you have your podcasts set to feed iTunes, your video podcasts should show up there along with your audio podcasts. i hope!  ;)

if anybody has any problems or suggestions, please let me know!
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by dmaynard2 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:45 am

Thanks the tutorial and the mambot.
However when I attempt to publish my podcast to iTunes I receive the following error message within iTunes:

" Error parsing feed: Invalid XML on line1: Content not allowed in prolog"

Any idea what might be causing this?

Your help would be appreciated.

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:30 pm

can you post a copy of the podrss20.xml file and the URL you submitted to iTunes? i'll try comparing them to what i've got...

also, did you use the mambot that just does MP3s (the first file i posted) or the second one that does both MP3 and MOV?
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by dmaynard2 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:37 pm

Here is the url:

pcast:// ... &no_html=1

I am not using the mambot for mov files.

I have had to unpublish the module as it results in this error message: "You are not authorised to view this resource.
You need to login."

Note that the podcast and all other resources are puiblished.

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:06 pm

ok, the first thing i'd try as far as iTunes goes is to replace the "pcast" at the head of the URL with "http". i don't think iTunes likes the pcast tag.

as for the module being related to the error, that's a bit puzzling - i have no idea why it might be doing that. but one possible workaround would be to use the html_module (which allows you to put whatever HTML you want in any module position), and just have an image and/or text for your "sign up for our podcast" link, and have it point to the pcast://www.... for example:

Code: Select all

<p>Sample Text About Podcast<br><a href="pcast://"><img src="mypodcastimagefile.png"></a>
i'm not positive that will work, but i think it should.

BTW - very nice looking site! :)
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by dmaynard2 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:26 pm

Thanks for the comment re. the site.
I tried your suggestion, but the url whether linked through the module or a mod_html module still results in an error message. I have a feeling that something is conflicting with another module or mambot. I have so many different components running on the site that it wouldn't take much to cause a problem.

I think I may try to syndicate the podcasts using Podpress and my aasociated Wordpress blog. The I will link back on the main site.

No one will know the difference.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by giles » Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:53 pm

First let me thank webman for all his work on this. What an incredible resource.

I have just about got the system working though I have a couple of problems and I wonder if anyone else has come across them.

1. I have no podrss20.xml file. I made sure the cache directory was writeable, but it didn't seem to create a file on installation. Is there somewhere I can get a copy of the podrss20.xml file and upload it by ftp?

***FIXED problem1***
Although the file wasn't created during installation, it has appeared since and I am assuming that the file is created as you upload your first file.

2. the second is playing the file on the site. I have tried Quicktime which seems to make the podcast jump, and the flash player slows it down. Is it my file or the plug ins? It is most peculiar the mp3 works perfectly on my machine but not when listened to online.

***FIXED problem 2****
The bit rate seemed to be crucial. 128 was too slow, 64 too fast, but like Goldilocks the last one (96) was just perfect!!

Any help much appreciated.

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:53 am

giles -

hey, thanks for the kind words! :)

glad you sorted out problem #2 - i was scratching my head over that one (tried to answer your post earlier today but our wireless network took a nap just as hit the post button - go figure!).

anyway, for #1, here's what i'd try:

first, create an empty document using notepad (or equivalent if you're on a mac) and name it podrss20.xml (make sure if you're on windoze that it doesn't get named some idiotic thing like podrss20.xml.txt).

upload the file to the cache directory under your site root, and make sure the directory and the file are both writeable (normally 666, but if that doesn't help when you test try 777). see if that works.

i'm not sure why the file's not being created - i suspect that to be some sort of permission problem. also, you don't want somebody's copy of this file: this has to be generated by your component, as it contains all the podcast and chapter info that podcatchers and iTunes use to "see" your podcasts. so every time you add or edit a chapter, this file is updated.

anyway, try that and see if it works...!
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by chas » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:47 am

hey thanks for the tutorial, but there is a plugin that may work better than the dewplayer....i wont name it but u can search for it.

you may or may not be interested in extending the other one :D i do like the dewplayer the clean interface

thanks again

PS> you actually posted in the other thread :D
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by giles » Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:18 pm

Many thanks for the input webman, but oddly the system seems to have sorted itself. While the file definitely didn't appear on installation, it has appeared since and I can only assume that the xml file is created as the first podcast is uploaded.

Once again many thanks for all your efforts. I have dewplayer installed and it look far better that the alternative.

So I now have a working podcast feed. If anyone wants a look the link follows: ... ory/30/45/

Best regards

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:27 pm

giles -

excellent! yes, i guess that makes sense that it wouldn't create the file until the first chapter is created - otherwise there's really nothing to put in the file, i suppose.

in any case, the site looks great and the podcast certainly works now (and sounds very professionally done!). now someone will have to try out posting a mix of podcasts with MP3 and MOV files to see if that bot works...

question, though: did you get your feed set up with iTunes? i just checked with a search on "biofuel review" and didn't see it. i'd make sure to do that - my site ( gets quite a few looks from iTunes, so make sure you take advantage if you haven't already.  :)
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by giles » Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:13 pm

Thanks for the kind words.

I haven't attempted the iTunes thing yet. I was really set on getting the thing up and running first.

*rolls sleeves up* Now for iTunes

Many thanks


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Help with podcast, thanks

Post by LindsayWard » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:03 pm

Thanks for this information. I have a troubleshooting question...

I've spent quite a while trying different things, with some intermittent results/problems.
(I tried the newer bot that was provided here, but the "Link text" option produced the dewplayer, and I want the link text, so I'm using the default bot.)

My problem is the RSS file not updating properly. I thought maybe it was a cache issue, but I switched that off, and get no real change.
The timestamp in the RSS file is updating properly, but it doesn't add the new podcasts.
I spent a couple of hours last night, and I had one in there, but when I added more, they wouldn't get added. When I unpublished the one that was working, or changed its name, it updated instantly, but adding them didn't happen.

Is there a delay on how long this takes before it finds new podcasts? Any other ideas why mine aren't updating straight away?
(It doesn't matter what category you publish the articles in, does it? I can't see any settings for categories, and the main podcast says it should cover everything.)

Thanks in advance!

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:09 am

lindsay -

well, i think the podrss20.xml file updates as soon as there is a new podcast. if the podcast enclosure code is in a content item and that item is published, it should (in theory!) work.

are the files showing up properly in the podcast component file manager (Podcasts->Manage Clips), with all green check marks?
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by LindsayWard » Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:23 am

The green ticks are there.
I've just tried a couple more uploads, and the first new one took 5 minutes, but the second new one took over an hour before it appeared. Strange, since when I look at the rss file the modified date is new every time (I think).

(By the way, if your second bot posted in this thread is just an update of the previous/first one, could I suggest you edit the post and remove the first one so people don't download it without reading below?)

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:44 am

ahhh. i think i may have misunderstood - so you were waiting for your podcatcher to "see" the new podcast appear? if so, i guess it would make sense that it wouldn't necessarily appear in your software right away, depending on how frequently it was set to poll sites to see if there were new chapters.

but, in any case, glad it's working! and thanks also for the suggestion to zap the first mambot - i'll do that now. :-)
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by LindsayWard » Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:17 am

I'm checking the RSS file in the browser (or file editor), not with an aggregator/catcher program - i.e. I click on the "Site Podcast" link in the module, and get a rendering of the RSS file, so I guess you understood correctly to start with.
Is there meant to be a trigger to update the file? Seems to be updating, but not finding everything published (even though the backend shows the items published)...
Still hoping.

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by chas » Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:35 am

sorry am a bit slow on this, but is the individual podcast being inserted into separate content items??? or are all podcasts put into an un/ordered list in ONE content item??

maybe both???

PS> is there a way to use the mambot on normal html/php to play mp3s??? ie outside of joomla?
Last edited by chas on Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:38 pm

lindsay -

not sure what to tell you - i actually downloaded a podcatcher (juice - can be downloaded at to check my work. i'm not sure if it's an issue in this case, but sometimes i've found in testing that my browser (i use maxthon) doesn't refresh things properly, but pulls them up from the cache. but the podcatcher should give you a "truer" view of what's going on.

chas -

normally each podcast file/mambot entry - {podcast filename} - should be in a separate content item. see, the text in the intro section (which is where i put the mambot entry) gets embedded in the podrss20.xml file as the description of the podcast and is served out to the podcatchers and iTunes (if you've added your cast to iTunes). so if you put in more than one podcast in a content item, i'm not sure if the podcatchers would like that...

as for Dewplayer (which is the flash player included with the hacked mambot), you can get it as a separate joomla plugin that has nothing to do with the podcasting stuff here: ... Itemid,35/.

i imagine you could also just embed it in a regular HTML page, but you'd have to poke around in the mambot code to see what all you'd need to put into the HTML.  8)
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by Big-K » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:23 pm


Thanks for this invaluable resource.

For space and bandwidth reasons, I have all my podcasts saved in an external backup site where I store all my media.

Is there a way to point this component to that site?

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by giles » Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:53 pm

Is there a way to point this component to that site?
Just a guess here, but have you tried using the full domain address in the field "Path for uploaded media" in the settings file. It should then provide a perfect link for the rss feed.


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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by Big-K » Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:52 pm

Hi Giles,

yes I tried that option but the component is set to work from the root directory. I'm hoping there's a way to go around that and this component will be PERFECT for my needs

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:45 am

big-K -

i took a quick look at the mambot code, and it looks like it *should* allow you to point to files on other domains, but i think you have to make sure to include the "http://" or "https://" before the domain name, plus (obviously) the directory paths past that.

i don't have time this evening to check it out, but will try to take a look tomorrow night (assuming no one else gets to it first). :)
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by chas » Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:23 pm

can it be made to work with *.flv???

btw you should add the bot to the first post rather than make people scroll down LOL
Last edited by chas on Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by webman911 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:50 pm

mmm, i dunno about the .FLV files. i'd have to check, but i don't think those are supported in iTunes. did you want to just embed them in your content? the all-videos plugin ( ... Itemid,35/) would be my first recommendation for that...
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Re: mini-Tutorial for LeBlanc's Podcast Suite v1.1

Post by GXCori » Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:25 pm

This mod seems really great, BUT I'm quite the noob. So I'm not understanding WHERE I should looking for the podcast_rss.xml file...sorry if some thinks this is a stupid question, but I need to know.  I'm going to go ahead with the rest of the tutorial as best I can but need a little guidance.  :-[


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