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Use virtuemart login from frontend

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:02 pm
by panoskatws
Hallo all!!
New to joomla, actually this is the first time trying it out. Seems pretty cool!!!

What I'm trying to do is when a user with administrator privileges logs in from the frontend, to alow him to view the virtuemart cms, from where he can update products, categories etc.
Is this posible?? If not, is there a way when loging in to the administrator panel, to skip the joomla panel end redirect to virtuemart panel??

I have seen some ideas through google but haven't been able to manage it succesfull...

Thanks allot!!

Re: Use virtuemart login from frontend

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:17 pm
by dhuelsmann
Did you enable it in the Virtumart admin?
Allow Frontend-Administration...
...for non-Backend Users?

With this setting you can enable the Frontend Administration for users who are storeadmins, but can't access the Mambo Backend (e.g. Registered / Editor).

Re: Use virtuemart login from frontend

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:57 am
by isamar85
Hi I have virtuemart 3 but cannot find anywhere:
Allow Frontend-Administration...
...for non-Backend Users?

Re: Use virtuemart login from frontend

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:17 am
by SharkyKZ
On VM front page (where latest, top 10, etc. products are shown) you should see an edit icon (orange pencil). It links to the following link where you can edit products.

Code: Select all