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Posting documentation for Solarflare_ii default template

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:46 pm
by ghl
Since this is my first post, I would like to thank the Joomla Core Team and the community at large for developing such a nice product. Although frustrating at times, Joomla is worth the effort to learn, and once past a certain critical point of understanding, quite fun.

In the spirit of open source, I have attached a zip file containing a commented Solarflare_ii template and a Word doc showing the table structure for the template.

The commenting is done in such a way as to easily allow one to experiment with the look of the template by commenting out sections of the template (between Start and End comment tags) to, for example, not load the pathway function, or not load the topmenu, etc. One can also easily take any commented section and move them so that a Joomla 'Position' will appear in a different position when rendered.

The zip file is stock Solarflare_ii with only my comments added; so one could just ftp this to their template directory and rename it index.php to start playing around with removing/moving things.

Each commented section has been verified as W3C Transitional compliant when commented out. In other words, I have tested for W3C compliance with each section SINGULARLY commented out to make sure no errors were being introduced by removing/moving any particular section. The comments are nested so one can experiment with removing/moving whole sections at a time or subsections.

The Word doc showing the template table structure helps a lot to know what to change about the wrapping if one chooses to reposition a Joomla 'Position'.

Sorry for the long post, but hopefully this will help some newbies (like myself) get up to speed on template mods with a minimum of exasperation.

Have fun,


Re: Posting documentation for Solarflare_ii default template

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:43 am
by Michelle Bisson
Thank you ghl!

Please let us know when you have other docs written.  If you would like to join the doc team, please contact me.


Re: Posting documentation for Solarflare_ii default template

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:43 pm
by ghl
You're welcome. I will, and can't free up any time right now -- maybe soon.