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Two links are broken!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:57 am
by foxlaw

Two links are broken!


Welcome to the Joomla 1.5 QuickStart Video Website.
Here you'll see some simple flash videos that will guide
you through installing and setting up your first Joomla 1.5 Installation.
These videos are based on the PDF document created by Kevin8020,
and his description is as below:

Hello there! Today, we are going to walk you through setting up your first Joomla! website.
In this demonstration, you are going to help set up a website for a landscaping company.
In your meeting with the company's president, he described that he would like a section
dedicated to trees, another for bushes, and a final for grasses. He would like his own
section that will be dedicated to company reports and such. The front page will be
reserved for specific material. You also need a section for links, a search page, and a
page dedicated to news feeds relevant to landscaping. The public relations director also
requested that news feeds be made available for the front page.
In this guide, you will be setting up a website to meet these needs in no time at all!

You can download his PDF documents from the following links:

ODT Format broken!
PDF Format broken!