To do list/To buy list/sign up list - need recommendations

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To do list/To buy list/sign up list - need recommendations

Post by soccer923 » Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:41 pm

This has got to be out there somewhere....

I'm looking for a module/component that will allow me (administrator) to make a list and allow (anonymous) users to "sign up for" items on the list.  After sign-up the element is decremented or comments are added to the list.
Party Signup list for event X on 4/26/06
3 bottles of Coke
2 packages napkins

user1 signs up for 1 package of napkins
user2 signs up for cups

Another flavor might be signing up for a repeated event e.g. Meals on weeks is scheduled every monday/Wed/Friday.  For each event we need someone to sign up as a driver, and a runner.


Joomla! Apprentice
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Re: To do list/To buy list/sign up list - need recommendatio

Post by CathyR » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:58 pm

Phew, this is a very old topic... but exactely what I need too:

A to do/ to buy list where people can just sign their name/ assign a task to themselves on the frontend[ of my website!

Like the topicstarter I feel it should be out there.. or at least that someone came up with it somewhere over the last 4 years...



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