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AllVideos Left Justify

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 2:02 pm
by davidbeal
Hi there,

I am currently using the AllVideos Joomla plugin. I have activated it and it works fine. I would like to know if I can left/right justify the videos that I put into articles. Right now it is automatically centering the video inside the article. I tried using the left justify button in the WYSIWYG editor but it does not seem to do any good. Thanks.

Re: AllVideos Left Justify

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:09 pm
by wwtn
Go to edit the AllVideos mambot code that you've placed within your Joomla! article, highlight that entire line of code with your mouse, and then use the appropriate WYSIWYG editor option to either left, center or right justify it. You have to have the entire mambot line of code highlighted to get the display to move either left, center or right within your Joomla! article's display.


Re: AllVideos Left Justify

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:13 am
by davidbeal
Thank you very much! I chose a blog layout for the menu item in which my video article was displayed. I tested it and in the top article, the video was centered whereas in the lower articles the videos were "left justified" (whether I wanted them to be or not). I changed "#Leading" to "0" in the blog layout parameters and that will work for now. Thanks for your help.
