re: How to protect my work

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re: How to protect my work

Post by Asphyx » Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:43 pm

I also remember someone (somewhere in this forum, I didn't save the link sorry) saying mambo let you apply any license you want for your extensions/components/modules
It was in the Mambo Faq. But it is a hollow statement since the Mambo teams can only speak for their own actions, not any developer of GPL code that Mambo may have used. Those developers have as much right to take you to court as Mambo would. Mambo is GPLed so they are safe from that action. If Mambo really wanted to allow you to make Commercial NON-GPL extentions for Mambo they would have changed their license to LGPL which would give you explicit rights to release code under any license you wanted. They did not do that and I suspect the reason is they know they can't legally change the license for the same reason that the J! teams and OSM have determined they couldn't. Neither project could get all the past contributors to sign off on the license change. So they both had to remain GPL which has led us to the situation we are in today. I know people are claiming that something has changed but the truth is the complaints on this issue are all because J! said they have no legal standing to make a change therefore the GPL restrictions still apply.

Think of it like this...I lend you my car for free provided that you do not use it to make money. You can not then go and lend it to someone else who will make money off of it. It's still my car when all is said and done and I can sue you for using my car in a manner that is incompatible with the terms I lent it out. Doesn't matter if a middleman gave you the right to use it for whatever purpose you saw fit. They truly had no right to give you that permission without consulting me.

J! has determined (correctly) that they have no right to tell you that you can release under a license that is not compatible with the GPL. They have also said they do not intend to sue anyone into compliance but reminded everyone that some other developer of code that Joomla uses possibly could. That is a courtesy not an edict. This is lost on some and not meant to threaten anyone...merely give the non compliant developers some warnning as to what legal advice OSM and J! have gotten from their research on the subject.
Last edited by Asphyx on Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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