Will the Core Team divulge this to their customers?

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Will the Core Team divulge this to their customers?

Post by shull » Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:54 am

I have been watching the debate for the past week as it hits pretty close to home.  I do not develop apps, but I am a business owner who currently is having some components developed for the new 1.5 version.  If I am required by the GPL to release the code I am paying to have developed, then I will halt development.  It looks as though that is what the Core Team is essentially saying.

My question to them and to everyone in the community is this:

Has the Core Team explained to their current customers that their customer will be forced to release all of the source code that the customer paid to develop.  This includes informing their customers that yes, even the competition will have access to this.

I would like to see a poll from the Core Team, a show of hands, of who informed their customers UP FRONT about the GPL issue before development started, since they knew about this issue all along. 

This really should only pertain to the Core Team members who provide paid development services for Joomla.  I think that would include nearly all of them.

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Re: Will the Core Team divulge this to their customers?

Post by Jinx » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:07 am

See also the license FAQ's : http://dev.joomla.org/content/view/2336/102/

Q. Can I offer a hosted service with my custom, proprietary extensions?

A. Yes.  The GNU GPL does not apply until you attempt to distribute your custom extensions to an outside party.  If you decide to distribute your extensions, they will need to be licensed under the GNU GPL.

If you do not intend to distribute those components the GPL does not apply. It's only when you distribute the GPL will take effect.
Johan Janssens - Joomla Co-Founder, Lead Developer of Joomla 1.5

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Re: Will the Core Team divulge this to their customers?

Post by mcsmom » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:14 am

You are free to make the choice not to develop.

You are an autonomous actor

Just remember that you expect the core team to release everything they do under gpl so that you can make your money. And they do! That is pretty "unbelievable" to me.

Maybe instead of being angry at them you should be saying thanks for giving me this platform to build on.
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Re: Will the Core Team divulge this to their customers?

Post by shull » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:38 am

Maybe my frustration got the better of me.  I apologize for snapping.  It still doesn't change the issue.

I absolutely have not problem in paying for development.  I am doing it right now.  Whether it is the framework that I am paying for or the pieces.  I don't care.  A good app is a good app. 

I never said that I expect the core team to release Joomla for free while I make money.  Reread my post and verify this.  As a matter of fact, I think that a small charge to help offset costs would possibly be beneficial to the project.  I am probably in the minority on that.  I do think EVERYONE should be compensated for their time and efforts. 

I do thank the core team for Joomla.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!  The reason I am angry is not because I have to release source code, it is because I see a great product going down in flames because of this decision.  I hate that something with such great momentum and a great community is now being torn apart by lofty ideals that do not fit within the real world. 

I hope this decision about the GPL with regards to components is not the final word. 

Whew, that feels better now that that is off my chest.

I will stop my ranting for now.  I just had to add my 2 cents. 



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Re: Will the Core Team divulge this to their customers?

Post by Jinx » Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:40 am

Stephen, was my answer helpfull to your question ?
Johan Janssens - Joomla Co-Founder, Lead Developer of Joomla 1.5

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Re: Will the Core Team divulge this to their customers?

Post by aoirthoir » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:33 am


I'm not quite sure what you have been told about the GNU GPL. However, you are not *required* to release you program or code. However, if you do release it in any fashion, via a sale, or a gift, you have to provide to that person or business, the same rights you were afforded. That is, you must allow them the right to modify, redistribute and so on. In short, you must apply the GNU GPL to them (or something compliant).

The company I work for is not a software company. We are a medical brokerage. I am developing two software programs. One will be a software program to track everything in the business, so it will have many pieces. We will most probably not be releasing this, though there is always a chance. However, since it is so specific to us and the way we do business, it may not benefit others. If we end up thinking it will, we will release it, and we will place it under the GNU AGPLv3 license (not out yet). There is no code from other projects in this program. However, if there were, we would still not be required to release it. The GPL (or the AGPL) does not require that you release your program (as just mentioned above).

I hope that this helps clarify.
Joseph James Frantz


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