What is the point of this board again?

*IF* you want to share your opinion on the GPL issue, this is the place for you.
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What is the point of this board again?

Post by Danayel » Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:36 am

Instead of getting a long thread of one reply after another we get a long board of one thread after another with each one quoting the thread below it.

Hasn't it kind of lost it's point?

Expression your opinion, and then how it relates to other's opinions in as many threads as possible just seems wasteful...
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Re: What is the point of this board again?

Post by technopuzzle » Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:50 am

The point of these sub-forums are to provide community members with a way to express their thoughts, ideas and opinions on the GPL issue, while eliminatng most, if not all, of the personal attacks, propaganda, name calling, finger pointing, etc. and hopefully help the community to sort through all of the posts, ideas, opinions, facts, questions, answers, speculation, etc.

This method of communication was created because the "discussions" (in the original GPL threads) were so non-constructive that they took incredible amounts of moderator time to remove all the personal attacks, propaganda, etc.
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Re: What is the point of this board again?

Post by brad » Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:51 am

This setup is not perfect, however the "other way" was a disaster. Users 'bashing' one another, personal attacks and much more. This format is far more manageable, while still not perfect/ideal.

The moderators do periodically merge threads where opinion are expressed/questions asked in the correct manner (ie manners etc). So, let's sum up:

The purpose of this board is to allow user to express their opinion free from the threat of being attacked, as well as that, this format allows the moderators manage the inordinately large amount of comments on this issue.

If you want to talk about wasteful... talk to the people who are spreading lies, half truths and misinformation on this subject. A few are still wanting to 'flog the dead horse'. As for the rest of us, we have already moved on... why don't you join us? If not, no one if forcing anyone to comment on this issue, and no one is telling others how to think. It's a free world, filled with free (GPL, free code) software.

To remove these boards and prevent people posting would only further inflame the lies, misinformation and half truths being spread around.


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