Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by joomajoom » Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:17 am


Thanks for you quick reply. I think I'm just going to install the files from Coppermine as the latest version in Fantastico is one release behind what is on the CPM site.

Thanks so much for your help!

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Question about editing config file for Coppermine / CommunityBuilder

Post by stodd » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:14 am

I have installed Coppermine 1.4.14 running on joomla 1.0.11 (yes, I know i have to upgrade).

When following the instructions on Mehdi's site ( to make the header links work with CommunityBuilder, I ran into one question I didn't know how to configure, and one possible error...?

From Mehdi's site:
"For Coppermine edit file

Look for the string:
And then replace it in accordance to the page you wish.
Ok, easy enough, but what do I replace that line with? My CBLogin module has an ID of "62", but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to replace the "88888888" with "62" or come up with some other URL....?  ???

There are then three other replacements that are listed. The first two I find easily and replace with the code provided on Mehdi's site.

However, the final replacement:
$target = "/index.php?option=logout&return=" . $scriptRel . "/index.php";
by this one:
$target = "/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=logout";
You can also remove the login/logout link from your script's template.
I cannot find the string:

Code: Select all

"$target = "/index.php?option=logout&return=" . $scriptRel . "/index.php";
However, I CAN find

Code: Select all

$this->redirect("/index.php?option=logout&return=" . $scriptRel . "/index.php");
which I can then replace with

Code: Select all


Thanks for the help with the 88888888 replacement question.

Everything else is looking good so far with the integration!

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by mehdi » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:27 am

Ok, easy enough, but what do I replace that line with? My CBLogin module has an ID of "62", but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to replace the "88888888" with "62" or come up with some other URL....?  Huh
nope it doesn't work this way
you have to provide an url to a page in the case login action is requested.
you could redirect to a static page displaying "login action is required"
or to whatever page you'd like. the point is to avoid to redirect to joomla's login page,
because it's not handled by CB.
I cannot find the string:
sorry, phpbb only

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by stodd » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:43 am

Thanks for the reply!

I've got most everything working properly with some tinkering around...

The only things that are NOT working is the my profile link at the top of the page. I'd be happy just to delete that link. Do you know where I can find that code to comment it out? I'm using the waterdrop theme that comes with coppermine.

The other question that I had was this:

I have 6 albums on the front page. When I click into an album, is there any way to display a list of text links instead of thumbnails, sort of something like this:

Description                                                  User                Date Uploaded
A picture of a 1963 Noval Nacional Bottle        johndoe          1/2/2008
1947 Dow Vintage Port Lable                      Joe S.              12/24/2007

etc.  The descriptions would be links to the popup with the larger view of the image.

This is probably some custom coding, but I'm worried about having 100's or possibly 1000's of images that you might have to painstakingly scroll through. I know there is a search function, but am just looking for ideas on how to make this as easy as possible for our users to find pictures they are looking for.

BTW - I found a JACLPlus patch at for your bridge+coppermine that worked like a charm!

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by phill104 » Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:06 pm

I appear to have encountered a little problem with both the coppermine bridge and the phpbb bridge.

It seems that in IE only the joomla footer sometimes appear in the middle of either a post or an intermediate image in coppermine.

Try it for yourself here

The problem only occurs in IE (I think) and all seems to work of in FF and Safari. Clicking refresh and the page displays ok. It happens with a lot of joomla templates and your bridge.

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by StevieC » Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:04 pm

I've just tried to install the bridge and all 'appeared' to be fine until I enabled the bridge and got a 'com_coppermine' not installed message. I had installed it and when I checked my components there it was. I decide to uninstall/reinstall it but found that it now won't reinstall. It gives me two error messages [1] it can't find the XML file and [2] Installation file not found

Upload component - Upload Failed
ERROR: Could not find an XML setup file in the package.
[ Continue ... ]
Upload component - Failed
Installation file not found:
/(edited out for security)..../httpdocs/jib/media/install_47978f8db0300/
[ Continue ... ]

Please can you advise?]
Last edited by StevieC on Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by StevieC » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:09 pm

I've just installed in manually and now get:

Warning: file_get_contents(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10324 is not allowed to access /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ owned by uid 2527 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ on line 1079

Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ failed to open stream: Unknown error: 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ on line 1079


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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by StevieC » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:55 pm

Ok. I think I've sorted it. My host allows me to run a php-cgi within the Joomla folder whereby I can turn safe_mode off (cool!).

;D ;D ;D

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by MPDesignZ » Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:52 am

I've had major issues with installing this coppermine bridge for Joomla.

We are using Coppermine 1.414, & Joomla 1.0.13 on the site I'm trying to install this bridge on. The Joomla installation uses Community Builder. I did read the note on your site about CB, but it makes no sense. Where do we find the link for the login page in CB? What is the link?

Code: Select all

And then replace it in accordance to the page you wish.
This is quoted from your site. Shouldn't it be some sort of login page? I'm unsure as to what this means. Please clarify.

Code: Select all

from the core Joomla
What is this? What file? This tells me nothing at all sorry. Are all these modifications within one of the files you mention above these edits?

The problems I experience are:

1. No one can actually login to the Coppermine gallery at all. No matter what link they click, what box they fill in etc. It will log them into Joomla, but Coppermine is dead to them.

2. No one can register on the site. It has knocked registration out of wack in some way. Maybe due to the Community Builder that is installed.

3. The CSS has gone completely off in just the menu. The problem is I cannot implement the fix described on your page because the Coppermine gallery has a skin of its own that we want to keep on the site. Whenever I add a style2.css file to the Coppermine styles it throws the entire skin into some weird looking half way done look. We do not want to take on the CSS style of the Joomla template in the Coppermine gallery but we need to fix the css in the menu area. I have tried to do this but to no avail.

We cannot drop Community Builder to my knowledge, I can ask my client if they want to drop it, but this may not be an option for the site so I need to fix these issues on the site including the css issues.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by MPDesignZ » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:18 am

Still need help with this bridge. Please help with getting it sorted out. My post is above!

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by StevieC » Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:02 pm

Perhaps you're going to have to abandon the bridge and just call Coppermine from a link on your Joomla menu. Perhaps you can use the 'wrapper' feature? A temporary workaround?

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by MPDesignZ » Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:01 am

StevieC wrote: Perhaps you're going to have to abandon the bridge and just call Coppermine from a link on your Joomla menu. Perhaps you can use the 'wrapper' feature? A temporary workaround?
If it was for my own site I would but its for a client's site. :( I will see if the client will be willing to use this stragedy. Thanks :)

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by stodd » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:17 am

you have to provide an url to a page in the case login action is requested.
So what would the URL string look like, because nothing i'm trying seems to be working.

The instructions say to edit the following line with the URL to a page...

Code: Select all

I created a static page (ID 154) that redirects to the home page using a meta refresh.
I edited the line above to read:

Code: Select all

When I go into coppermine and then logout, i get a 404 with the following URL in the address bar:

Code: Select all

Any ideas what's happening? It looks like it's going to "localhost"

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by stodd » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:32 pm

Ok - Solved...  :-[

I neglected to replace the "localhost" setting with the full URL of my joomla site during configuration.

Works like a charm now.

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by sbrawner » Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:16 am


Great job on the bridge. Integration is nice, however I'm having a bit of a problem. I set up the menu link like you described, as an External Link (I'm using 1.5), but when unregistered users click the link to the Gallery, they get the {COPPERMINE_TEMPLATE_HTML} in the window instead of the coppermine gallery. Registered users that are logged in do not ever get this error, and once in a while unregistered visitors will get through to the gallery but as soon as they hit any menu item inside the gallery it gives them the {COPPERMINE_TEMPLATE_HTML} screen.

Any ideas?
You can see the issue at

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by mehdi » Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:33 pm

hi Scott,
check your mambots and see if none of them are related/using Ajax.
Try to disable them.
If you want to keep these mambots (i.e the ones using Ajax) with the bridge, a solution would be to hack them...

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by sbrawner » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:11 pm

Hi Mehdi,

Thanks for the quick response.

I'm not sure what you mean by mambots, I'm using 1.5 stable, but here's what I have running. I don't think I have any AJAX stuff installed.


1 Authentication - Joomla Enabled
2 Authentication - LDAP Disabled
3 Authentication - OpenID Disabled
4 Authentication - GMail Disabled
5 Content - Page Navigation Enabled
6 Content - Rating Enabled
7 Content - Email Cloaking Enabled
8 Content - Code Hightlighter (GeSHi) Disabled
9 Content - Load Module Enabled
10 Content - Pagebreak Enabled
11 Editor - No Editor Enabled
12 Editor - TinyMCE 2.0 Enabled
13 Editor - XStandard Lite 2.0 Disabled
14 Editor - JoomlaFCK Disabled
15 Editor Button - Image Enabled
16 Editor Button - Pagebreak Enabled
17 Editor Button - Readmore Enabled
18 Search - Content Enabled
19 Search - Weblinks Enabled
20 Search - Contacts Enabled
21 Search - Categories Enabled
22 Search - Sections Enabled
23 Search - Newsfeeds Enabled
24 System - Legacy Enabled
25 System - Cache Enabled
26 System - BigoCaptcha Enabled
27 System - SEF Disabled
28 System - Debug Enabled
29 System - Log Enabled
30 System - Remember Me Enabled
31 System - Backlink Enabled
32 User - Joomla! Enabled
33 XML-RPC - Joomla Disabled
34 XML-RPC - Blogger API Disabled

Components (uninstallable)

1 Banners Enabled 1.5.0 April 2006 Joomla! Project
2 coppermine Enabled 1.5 begin of 2008 Guessous Mehdi Imed
3 docman Enabled 1.4.0rc1 September 2007 DOCman Development Team
4 Events Enabled 1.4.3SVN February 2007 JEvents Project Group
5 fireboard Enabled 1.0.4 Dec. 2007 Best Of Joomla!
6 Newsfeeds Enabled 1.5.0 April 2006 Joomla! Project
7 Polls Enabled 1.5.0 July 2004 Joomla! Project
8 Weblinks Enabled 1.5.0 April 2006 Joomla! Project

No languages besides en-gb installed.

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by mehdi » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:44 pm

plugin = mambots . In fact the name "mambots" has been deprecated.
You are right, I don't see any AJAX related thing.
For testing, try to disable all plugins and see if the problem persists.
You might need to keep the legacy plugin, in order to keep things working.
If the problem disappear,
then you could try to enable step by step all the plugins, until the problem appear.
You can then take note of which plugin makes the bridge upset ;D

Otherwise have you done any other mods to coppermine/joomla,
or installed a coppermine plugin ?

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by sbrawner » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:47 pm


I completely uninstalled coppermine and the bridge and reinstalled coppermine in a new location with new database and reinstalled the bridge.

I think the problem is with my joomla installation. I have played around with a lot of components and that is probably the problem.

Thanks for following up with me, your bridge is very useful!


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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by sbrawner » Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:04 pm

Unfortunately this problem has returned for guests, I don't know why!
sbrawner wrote:Mehdi,

Great job on the bridge. Integration is nice, however I'm having a bit of a problem. I set up the menu link like you described, as an External Link (I'm using 1.5), but when unregistered users click the link to the Gallery, they get the {COPPERMINE_TEMPLATE_HTML} in the window instead of the coppermine gallery. Registered users that are logged in do not ever get this error, and once in a while unregistered visitors will get through to the gallery but as soon as they hit any menu item inside the gallery it gives them the {COPPERMINE_TEMPLATE_HTML} screen.

Any ideas?
You can see the issue at

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by sbrawner » Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:17 pm

OK now I know why it happens.

The CACHE PLUGIN causes this problem. I wonder if there is a session caching issue within Joomla that might be causing this.

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by MPDesignZ » Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:52 am

MPDesignZ wrote:I've had major issues with installing this coppermine bridge for Joomla.

We are using Coppermine 1.414, & Joomla 1.0.13 on the site I'm trying to install this bridge on. The Joomla installation uses Community Builder. I did read the note on your site about CB, but it makes no sense. Where do we find the link for the login page in CB? What is the link?

Code: Select all

And then replace it in accordance to the page you wish.
This is quoted from your site. Shouldn't it be some sort of login page? I'm unsure as to what this means. Please clarify.

Code: Select all

from the core Joomla
What is this? What file? This tells me nothing at all sorry. Are all these modifications within one of the files you mention above these edits?

The problems I experience are:

1. No one can actually login to the Coppermine gallery at all. No matter what link they click, what box they fill in etc. It will log them into Joomla, but Coppermine is dead to them.

2. No one can register on the site. It has knocked registration out of wack in some way. Maybe due to the Community Builder that is installed.

3. The CSS has gone completely off in just the menu. The problem is I cannot implement the fix described on your page because the Coppermine gallery has a skin of its own that we want to keep on the site. Whenever I add a style2.css file to the Coppermine styles it throws the entire skin into some weird looking half way done look. We do not want to take on the CSS style of the Joomla template in the Coppermine gallery but we need to fix the css in the menu area. I have tried to do this but to no avail.

We cannot drop Community Builder to my knowledge, I can ask my client if they want to drop it, but this may not be an option for the site so I need to fix these issues on the site including the css issues.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm still having an issue with this. The site cannot lose the community builder on it and I still do need help on this issue.


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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by ttortosa » Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:51 am

Hi Mehdi

Congratulations for your bridges, they have helped me so much.

I have problems with this coppermine bridge. Coppermine gallery exceeds the width of my joomla template. I have done all steps in the correct order and integrate css with your script, but it doesn't work fine.

Please visit the web and clic on "galeria". I have tried several templates and styles but this is the result.

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Re: New Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 available (and free)

Post by Syrinx2112 » Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:21 pm

mehdi wrote:from my FAQ: "I suggest that you login into Coppermine as an administrator, select Config, then choose "image view/ width of table..." .
but I will also add, if you experiment some display problem as soon as the coppermine has big  width,
then the problem is from your joomla template. Lot of people thinks is better , to use divs for making the layout of a page,
but everything becomes messed up as soon as an element contained in a div is bigger than expected.
Use table instead to build your layout, or at least for the "main" structure.
This is a problem for me too.

I get what you are saying, but unsure of how to do it.

I thought the Joomla core and the theme/template was already pre-built. So, how do you switch everything from div to table? Won't the mess up the rest of the site?

From within Coppermine - going to Config -> Image and changing the table width has no effect at all.


I looked at the page source of the gallery, linked within Joomla, and saw this:

Code: Select all

<!-- +++++++++++++++++++ coppermine begin +++++++++++++++++++ -->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="contentpaneopen">
      <td class="mainCell" >
<br />
<!-- Tabeldefinitie top begin -->

<table width="900" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
    <td class="bordercolor"><table width="900" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td class="tablebgcolor"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right">
                <td class="nav" height="25" background="themes/meltingfilm_top/images/nav.gif"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"> :: Photo Gallery</font></td>
So, the sidescrolling is because SOMETHING is telling Coppermine to be 900 pixles wide. The overlapping, I believe, is caused by Joomla's tables widths trying to override that.

Can someone point to what wants the gallery to be that wide?

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by tbenson » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:37 am

Hi Mehdi & co,

I've been hacking away at the Coppermine bridge for days and almost got it working perfectly... the main problem was with JACL Plus groups, but stodd's post (thanks!) about the Byostech patch put that right.

Now, everything works okay in IE, but with Firefox, I get logged out and a message about this being a private area of the site and needing to log in.

So far I've...
- checked the gzip compression (off)
- tweaked the template css file
- tried alternative templates
- cleared cookies in Firefox
- renamed the joomla.integ.php file

Contemplated having a different link for non-IE browsers, but that doesn't look possible. The Firefox error console gives no clues and I'm running out of ideas. Really frustrating because this aside, the bridge is fantastic. Any suggestions?


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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by cyfarian » Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:29 pm


I thoroughly appreciate this bridge and only have come across one thing that I have managed to screw up :)

When it is bridged, the admin menu won't appear in the gallery, only if I unbridge it

Also, when I rebridged it, it gave the following error, but worked fine:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class cpg_udb in /home2/depeds/public_html/gallery2/bridge/ on line 495

Thanks for such a great contribution!!

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by sbrawner » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:05 am


Have you logged into the cpg as admin and set up your permissions for everyone?

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by cyfarian » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:45 am

I have setup several users in joomla, but there is only one in CPG
I made this site over a year ago, so I can't really remember everything I did

Here are my group perms :
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.

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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by dloendorf » Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:05 am

I have installed the bridge per instructions. If I leave the joomla.integ.php in the bridge folder I am unable to reach coppermine - I get an 'IE cannot display the web page' error. If I remove joomla.integ.php I reach coppermine and am logged in with the correct user name. So, the user integration works great but the integration to joomla fails. As I mentioned earlier, I have checked and re-checked all instructions and insured all files are in the correct folders with the correct hacks. I am using the latest version of coppermine 1.4.17, the latest download from mehdi's site and joomla 1.0.12 Stable.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.


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Re: Bridge for Coppermine 1.44 or + available (and free)

Post by mehdi » Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:12 am

sorry for the awful support I provided these last days :-[
But answering to all questions can be time consuming, and there are days I just prefer to do something else :pop .
Try to help each others if you can, that's a forum after all.

OK now I know why it happens.
The CACHE PLUGIN causes this problem. I wonder if there is a session caching issue within Joomla that might be causing this.
thanks for bringing my attention to this problem. Hopefully I'll find soon a fix for this.
However , to avoid confusion in future, you should post in Joomla 1.5 related thread here:

Concerning others, please don't post anything related to Joomla 1.5 here.

you are melting different problems and asking me to solve all of them at once.... ;D
First get the bridge working without using that CB thing, then we'll add the complexity of adding CB.
And CSS is just design, won't prevent the bridge from working.

bridge only support standard Joomla groups. You can use JACL if you wish, but non standard group won't be able to use gallery.
but stodd's post (thanks!) about the Byostech patch put that right.
I'm not aware of such patch and don't have time to study it. I just thought that the patch might have solved some issues and introduced others :laugh:

Same advice as MPDesignZ: try to get the bridge work first, then add any other layer of complexity like JACL or "patches" after.

From within Coppermine - going to Config -> Image and changing the table width has no effect at all.
If it's not a setting , then it's hard coded. The 900 number must be "somewhere". Check your coppermine theme ...

So, the user integration works great but the integration to joomla fails.
I didn't test cpg 1.4.17 yet , oooops I meant cpg 1.14.18 (they update too fast , this is really boring at the end).
But I doubt there's an issue with these last versions. Unless you didn't hack properly files. (pre hacked files I provide are for 1.1.16)

Try a clean install of joomla, and see if there's still a problem for bridging ...
If not , try to find which extension or modification you've done that made the bridge upset; proceed step by step.


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