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Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:20 am
by paulblair
Problem solved.

Took some finding... O and 0

Lousy typing ;)


Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:26 am
by golfvilla
In one of the other posts it someone suggested changing the id to 100 in the jos_users database table. I changed the id to 100, kept at it, and somehow I got in but today I had the same problem. Nothing worked until I changed the ID back to 62. Just one other thing to try.

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:19 pm
by Problemsolver
Hey guys. I just solved this for myself. I couldnt log in and I changed login from gmail to jooomla and now it works :).

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:21 am
by dracon
Hi everybody here.

I had the same problem and I know that the ISP is not the best for Joomla installations.
I tried different things without any success. So tried to change the session handler variable in configuration.php:

Code: Select all

var $session_handler = 'database';
changed from none to database
The administrator login site didn't refresh anymore. I got the cpanel again.

Hope this helps to others.


Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:50 pm
by Lazy8
WOW!!!! I am dumbfounded at this problem and the many many so called solutions which makes me believe this is something that is a serious problem.
Solutions offered and that worked for some:

change email??????? from gmail to something else?????

change var $session_handler = 'database';

delete FTP layer???

enable the joomla user plugin

change the admin password using myphp

change webhosts???

change chmod for TMP and LOG folders to 777

Try in another browser

Try resetting router

change SSL on admin

change php_value session.save_path in .htaccess

changing the id to 100 in the jos_users database table

***** Just reboot your computer then all is ok and it logs you in. ****** ??????????

I have tried all these, almost ashamed to admit considering how silly some are, but none worked and I am still unable to login to backend admin. Seems almost comical when looking at it like this but I have wasted far too much time on this and am moving on to something else.....

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:27 am
by ninjafreddan
Hi everybody!

I pretty much tried everything as well, with no success.

Until a friend of mine (being the webhost of my webpage) cleared some unusual characters at the beginning of the file configuration.php (located in the root webpage dir). And it WORKED! :D

Now the first couple of lines says:

class JConfig {
var $offline = '0';
var $editor = 'tinymce';
var $list_limit = '20';
var $helpurl = '';

etc etc

And the last lines says:

var $offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance. Please check back again soon.';

So, do a backup of the configuration.php file, edit it and remove any unusual character at the beginning (or end I guess).

I hope this information helps somebody.

Back to editing my webpage.

Thanks by the way for making Joomla such a great web-tool. I love it!


Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:52 pm
by matt4
ninjafreddan wrote:Hi everybody!

I pretty much tried everything as well, with no success.

Until a friend of mine (being the webhost of my webpage) cleared some unusual characters at the beginning of the file configuration.php (located in the root webpage dir). And it WORKED! :D

Now the first couple of lines says:

class JConfig {
var $offline = '0';
var $editor = 'tinymce';
var $list_limit = '20';
var $helpurl = '';

etc etc

And the last lines says:

var $offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance. Please check back again soon.';

So, do a backup of the configuration.php file, edit it and remove any unusual character at the beginning (or end I guess).

I hope this information helps somebody.

Back to editing my webpage.

Thanks by the way for making Joomla such a great web-tool. I love it!

Wheres the problem?

Can you please post the changes made? I'm stuck with the same issue too. I made a new topic.

Edit: Didn't understand your post but now do. Just checked my lines in the config file and they are just the same as those! :(


Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:29 pm
by ninjafreddan
matt4 wrote:Wheres the problem?

Can you please post the changes made? I'm stuck with the same issue too. I made a new topic.
Well, my initial problem was that I changed the IP-number from one ftp server to another. Then Joomla couldn't login to the web directory and my web page went down. Before I realized that it was my own fault I read some posts about fixing the "admin login problem" and trying different fixes I edited the configuration.php file. At that time the garbage characters must have been added.

I don't know exactly what my friend edited away, he just said it was at the beginning of the file.

Sorry, but I can't help you more than that.

Good luck!

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:55 pm
by matt4

Seems like this is a big issue. Hopefully the Joomla team can pop in here? It appears its a issue affecting most users. With no real solution :(

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:50 pm
by direct2u
Hi also not been able to log in for a while so i re-installed joomla 1.5 to find when i enter admin then password the lower case a changes to a catpital A no matter what i do therefor unable to log in please help :'(

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:55 am
by ninjafreddan
matt4 wrote:Seems like this is a big issue. Hopefully the Joomla team can pop in here? It appears its a issue affecting most users. With no real solution :(
I switched ISP a month ago and moved my webpage to a new location. I was able to copy the SQL database and move all the content to the new server.

Then I edited configuration.php with Notepad in Window 7 and got the same problem as before, not being able to login as admin and the webpage generated a lot of errors.

So I downloaded the freeware Notepad++ and edited configuration.php and voila...everything worked like a charm.

So always use an editor that doesn't add any metadata to the file itself, because Joomla seem to have a problem with that. I should add that I haven't got the latest Joomla installed.


Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:13 am
by b4godnow
I have had the same problem logging into the back end. The page just refreshes. I literally ran through this forumn multiple times to no avail. Finally, I ran across something that helped me so I thought I would post it for other to try.

In my configuration.php file I changed
var $session_handler = 'database'
var $session_handler = 'none'.

This tells me something with the database session_handling is not working properly so I need to look at that. however, for now I'm up and running.

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:59 pm
by JDHorn
This is CRAZY stuff!

I installed joomla this morning and cannot for the life of me log into the admin side of things - the login page just continually refreshes. If I enter the wrong username or password it tells me so, but otherwise just continually goes back to the form.

If I leave the page for a few minutes and try again, the message is that my session has expired - please log in again. Grrr.

I can log into the site on the home page, as long as I check the "remember me" checkbox, otherwise it just refreshes the same as the admin site. Once logged in there, I have the option to edit existing posts, but clicking the administrator link on the home page just takes me back to the administrator page where I still can't log in.

Very frustrating, and it appears this has been going on for a long while now, with no solution.

Oh, I also tried numerous solutions listed above, and even went so far as to set up a whole new site and database, but still nada.

I mention above that I can log in and edit articles on the home page. I can edit, or even create new ones, but none of my edits are saved when I click the save button.

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:12 am
by lynts
ok People Stop and thnk for a second most of these problems were created and just need to be solved, im a Senior Developer for Magento and all my CMS is through Joomla, now if you want a real headache try to tackle Magento, but until Virtue Mart has a multi store function with only one back end thats what i use, Now the first thing to check is PHP.INI or PHP5.INI make sure you have it set between 5M and 10M if you put 5MB the B is not supposed to be there take it out, now some of you cant get to your php.ini so make on and put it in your root directory, so for instance, where ever your Joomla lays and where ever your Config.php is then create the php5.ini there, create a word pad or other editor and add this

cgi.fixpathinfo = 1

upload_max_size = 8M

post_max_size = 8M

then same it as php5.ini. why the 5 because all servers now should be running php5 or higher, if they arent move to godaddy or host gator, seriously people Joomla is the best out there, you try to hand code a site like this in a week, you cant, and if your not a programmer then you will be paying 20k for this,, people will get back to you, and i know its frustrating but try to figure out Drupal or Magento, and you will have no hair. Joomla i love you guys keep it up!!!!!!!!

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:07 pm
by JDHorn
lynts... I upgraded to php5 from 4.x and everything works fine now. I don't use php much, so never even realized there was a new release. Perhaps the Joomla installer should add a check for that.

BTW, I agree that the Joomla folks are doing a fantastic job on a great product.

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:01 pm
by coolleo_83
Hey, clearing the blank spaces from the starting of the configuration.php file made it worked.
Actually those blank spaces were disabling the cookies to set correctly hence there were issues in creating the session for the user.

Joomla Rocks....
its just that you need be responsible!!

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:51 am
by lewisp
kgbster wrote:It could be that you have disabled your Joomla User! plugin

Try opening your database and the jos_plugins table

Then set the USER value for PUBLISHED to be 1 (not 0)

Worked for me.
kgbster is a superhero! I had set the USER module to 'registered' access (access = 1 in phpmyadmin). :-[ Set this back to 0 and hey presto!

Thanks so much for pointing out my complete incompetence... :D

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:54 pm
by cuteISLAM
I had the same problem with my site. What i did was go into phpMyAdmin and located my database. After this i went to jos_plugins, where i enabled Authentication - Joomla, and User - Joomla. (To enable in the row where it has published, change it to a 1). I saved it. Then my login worked.

By the way, checkout my site:

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:58 am
by splbrad
I have done every thing on this thread to try and log into my admin panel, non of it has worked. I also can not see my front page when i goto the website.
It acts like the stock joomla templates are not installed, When i installed joomla for the 6th time in 2 days I made sure the sample data was installed as well. This seems like the configuration.php is not pointing to the proper area of the database.
Playing around with some of the fixes on the thread has let me goto the host index page advertising there hosting plan, but not the joomla index pages.

I am at a loss.

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:59 pm
by parkejo
I cannot login as all I do is enter the username and password that was working this morning.. but now all it does is return me to the login page again.

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:19 pm
by sanne d

First of all - try to use another browser - eg. google chrome or firefox, or another computer. I have had this problem lot of times the last few months, and was searching and searching the internet for a solution, have been using lots of hours to try to figure out what is wrong.
But the solution was simple:
login via google chrome, firefox or another computer !
I don't know why, something with IE8 I guess, but it works !
Don't always search for the big technical, difficult solutions - sometimes it is the small things, that are right ahead of your nose, that works.
Best regards from Denmark
Sanne D
joomla beginner

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:44 pm
by trins123

I had the same problem, but fix is simple. The problem can happen using utf-8 characters when editing cofiguration.php directly using text editor for site name or mail from name variables. Open cofiguration.php save the file from utf-8 to ansi mode. If this was your issue you can now login again with no problems.

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:10 pm
by rasmusjs
trins123 wrote:Well,

I had the same problem, but fix is simple. The problem can happen using utf-8 characters when editing cofiguration.php directly using text editor for site name or mail from name variables. Open cofiguration.php save the file from utf-8 to ansi mode. If this was your issue you can now login again with no problems.
Brilliant! This fixed my problem. Thanks a lot!

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:53 am
by Maksim
Wow this an old thread put it is the problem I'm having.

To be specific: When I try to log-in to the back-end the log-in screen just refreshes and reloads the log-in screen. I don't get a wrong password etc. error, it just refreshes.

I changed the permission on /tmp and would try changing the permissions on sessions.save_path however I'm unable to locate it.

My site has been up and running for a few years and I have never had this problem. Today I was messing around with allowing users to log-in so they could leave comments but ran into problems so I took a break from it. Now I can't log back in.

I suspect I changed settings under Global Config/system/user settings. Can I change those settings from the server using Dreamweaver instead? If so where would I find it?


Nevermind the following worked.
kgbster wrote:It could be that you have disabled your Joomla User! plugin

Try opening your database and the jos_plugins table

Then set the USER value for PUBLISHED to be 1 (not 0)

Worked for me.

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:06 pm
by indrabrughman

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:22 pm
by kaswardy
i am facing the same problem and I have done all the solutions mentioned in the post.... did someone got any new solutions working... tearing my hair out...

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:57 am
by golfvilla
I know the feeling Kaswardy!!! I made the HUGE mistake of using 1.6.1 to try and develop production sites. I got locked out at least 3 times losing several day's of work each time. I lost one client last week and another one today who were tried of waiting around for me to find a solution to this 1.6 problem. These were important clients but my mistake for not sticking with 1.5. I got shot down in one forum because I mentioned it was a bug. I would advise searching around to other post in this forum with a similar topic. Make sure you read all the ones in this posting first (if you haven't already) since there are several solutions offered. There are several postings in this forum on this topic and there is a large variety of solutions offered. I would STRONGLY advise against using 1.6 for anything other then experimentation!!!

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:01 pm
by dmitryvmaslov
cuteISLAM wrote:I had the same problem with my site. What i did was go into phpMyAdmin and located my database. After this i went to jos_plugins, where i enabled Authentication - Joomla, and User - Joomla. (To enable in the row where it has published, change it to a 1). I saved it. Then my login worked.
O GOD!!! You are a saviour. I pulled out all hairs on my ass while trying to recover the password!!! And that was just a matter of '1' in the "User - Joomla" plugin. Some stupid user unpublished it!!! Hm... may be that was me??? :-[

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:55 am
by darkjinx
i got the same problem and i looked at my configuration.php file ... it was in a wronge encoded type.
the encode type in my case has to be set to "UTF-8 encoding (w/o bom)" and now i can access backend again ....

hope this will work for some of you with this problem...

NB* i've used crimson editor to change the encoding type of the file

Re: cannot log in into /administrator back-end

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:35 pm
by Karaburmication
I have read a lot about this problem and tried many things. I'll try to give you some suggestions that could work for you.

1. set configuration.php permissions to 777, and do the same thing for index.php inside administrator folder.

2. open jos_extensions, than find plugin_joomla_user (or something like that). Change the value "enabled" to 1.

3. make sure you have copied ALL of the files from your computer to the web server (do it manualy one by one if you have to, and I'm not kidding for this one, especially if you are using Filezilla)

4. and the last one that actually did the magic for me was to modify .htaccess file. My problem occurred when I tried to make some changes in this file. It all went ok for a day or two after changes, so I forgot that it may be the cause of a problem. (I tried to hide index.php from url's, so I played a little bit with /rewrite functions..)

Let me know if some of these things did the trick!