
Change tab text

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Change tab text

Post by nabwood » Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:09 pm

Hi all! Our school has joomla website 1.5.5 using the themza j15 template. I`ve been looking round for the correct file to change but cant seem to fine the right one. What i want to do is change the text which appears in the tab at the top of the browser window, at the moment it just says "Welcome" and there is a little joomla logo. I also want to change this if possible. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Change tab text

Post by nabwood » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:26 pm

Hi guys, can anyone help me out on this one please, i cant remember how this is done, thanks.

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Re: Change tab text

Post by airton » Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:49 pm


The browser title is set in the menu item / article system parameters. For the front-page, edit your default menu item (the one with a star - usually Home) and change or clean the content of the field "Page Title". If you clean it, the browser title will be taken from the "Site Name" set in Global Configuration.

As for the small Joomla logo beside the URL in the browser's address bar, it's set by the favicon.ico file in your template's root folder. If it doesn't exist, Joomla will use it's default favicon.ico file. To change, place the desired icon file in /templates/[your-template/ and name it favicon.ico (if there's already a file named favicon.ico in that folder, delete or rename it).

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Re: Change tab text

Post by nabwood » Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:36 pm

Great, thanks for that, i have just gone to make those changes and have come accross another problem:
Yesterday i did a backup of our school website, i do this by simply copying the whole www folder to an external HDD we have here at school using Filezilla. The unusual thing is that previous backups have only taken a maximum of 20 mins, the backup i did yesterday i had to leave running overnight and it took hours, however i put this down to the fact that we have recently had a complete new network installed here at school and that it had just not been configured correctly for ftp. My network manager assures me that this is not the case. I have come to the backend of our website today to make the changes as per my post above, and i find that i cant log in, its telling me that the username / password do not match, which is rubbish because i have used them hundreds of times. Do you think it would be a good idea to get onto our hosts and have them recover the website from their backups??

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Am i being paranoid?

Post by nabwood » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:05 pm

another disturbing thing i just found, i used to be able to sign into the frontend of the website with the same credentials as the backend, but i am getting the "do not match" message. Its almost as though my account has been removed. I am the website administrator and i am the only one with access to both the front and backend. I looked at the site about an hour ago at the front end and it said there were 11 visitors and 1 member logged in!!!! How can this be when i am the only one with access (or lack of it now), am i being paranoid thinking that our website could have been compromised and i have been removed as the super administrator???

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Re: Change tab text

Post by airton » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:02 am


I don't think you're getting paranoid. It's very likely that your site has been compromised and your account, if not demoted from super-admin status, at least had the password changed.

Also, it shouldn't take so long for your backup to finish. Joomla has only about 4000 files to a total of approximately 6.5MB ( 4.5MB in tar mode ). Even if you installed a lot of extensions, it wouldn't easily exceed 10MB. It wouldn't take more than a few minutes to download that amount. Of course, if you uploaded a lot of big image files, that amount can grow exponentially.

Another thing, about you backup procedure, it's not enough to copy only the files from your server. All your data (users, articles, etc) is kept in a database. To have a complete backup of your site, you should also make a backup of the database through phpMyAdmin or another similar application.

To make sure your site hasn't been compromised, you must go to your database manager (e.g. phpMyAdmin) and check your tables, specially the tables named jos_users, jos_core_acl_aro and jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map (assuming jos_ is the prefix for your table names). If your super-admin user is the one originally created by Joomla during installation, jos_users should contain one row for that user with the id field set to 62 and the gid field set to 25. Jos_core_acl_aro should have one row with the id filed set to 10 and the value field set to 62 and the jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map should have one row with the field id set to 25 and the aro_id field set to 10. Notice the correspondence among the values according to the colors. If you have anything different from that, and specially if you get another row in the jos_users table for a different user with the gid field set to 25 and/or the gid for your user is something different from 25, be assured your site was compromised and someone demoted your user and/or changed it's password.

I don't want to go any further before you check that info. Please, report back with your findings so I can give you further advice.

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Re: Change tab text

Post by nabwood » Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:50 pm

Thanks for your help. Its been a few days now as i have been working on another project but i just wanted to come back and give you the news. Our website had been compromised, twice, our web hosts traced it to Russia and the vunerability was in some survey component we had installed which allowed mySQL injections! Hence the reason i was being removed as super admin! I have removed the survey software and will be taking steps to better the security on the site.

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Re: Change tab text

Post by airton » Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:54 pm

Hey nabwood,

Great news indeed!

Can you tell us the name and version of the extension so other users can avoid using it until the vulnerability gets fixed?

I'd advise you also to send a comment to the developer of the survey component so they can be warned about the vulnerability and work to get it fixed.

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Re: Change tab text

Post by nabwood » Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:23 pm

The vunerability lied within BFSurvey Pro Free, i`m not sure which version we had installed but it had been installed for around 5 months. I belive there has been a patch released for this, the details can be found here: ... opic=357.0

I have downloaded the latest versions of other components we have but i`m not sure how to go about patching them. Do i uninstall then reinstall the updated component??? or is there a way to simply patch them??

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Re: Change tab text

Post by airton » Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:26 am

nabwood wrote:The vunerability lied within BFSurvey Pro Free, i`m not sure which version we had installed but it had been installed for around 5 months. I belive there has been a patch released for this, the details can be found here: ... opic=357.0
Thanks for the info. I'll update the vulnerable extensions table in the docs site to include this.
nabwood wrote:I have downloaded the latest versions of other components we have but i`m not sure how to go about patching them. Do i uninstall then reinstall the updated component??? or is there a way to simply patch them??
If there hasn't been any changes to table structures, the only thing you have to do is copy the files from the install package to their due locations on your server. But, before you copy the files, take a look in the extension's install xml manifest, usually [ext-name].xml, and see if there is the following code near the top of it:

Code: Select all

<install type="component" version="1.5.0" method="upgrade">
Note that the type="component" part will be different depending on if it's a component, a model, a plugin or a template. The important part to look at is method="upgrade". If that piece is there, just install the extension normally and it will upgrade the previous version.

Anyway, the best local to get exact info on the extension's upgrade process is the developer's site.

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Re: Change tab text

Post by nabwood » Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:47 am

Thanks for the help, i hope the info i gave has helped others, I must say that no malicious damage was caused to our website per say, just that i had been removed as super admin the first time, and my password had been changed on the second occasion. Just more of an inconvenience more than anything, but at least it brought the weakness to some light. I do have another problem with an error code i`m getting when using the editor but i`ll open another thread for this. This trhead can be closed now, thanks again. :)



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