JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by deleted user » Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:53 am

I'd be surprised if there isn't a plugin to automatically ping technorati with regular joomla articles. Should be a really simple thing to do. (I haven't used Technorati in years.) As for CB integration, there have been authorbots and "my articles" plugins for CB for quite some time, so you have CB integration for the core content.

If you have any regrets down the road, it will be about the problem of upkeep for a Joomla site with a lot of extensions. More things to upgrade, more things to break.

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by FidelGonzales » Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:27 am

dpk wrote:I'd be surprised if there isn't a plugin to automatically ping technorati with regular joomla articles. Should be a really simple thing to do. (I haven't used Technorati in years.) As for CB integration, there have been authorbots and "my articles" plugins for CB for quite some time, so you have CB integration for the core content.

If you have any regrets down the road, it will be about the problem of upkeep for a Joomla site with a lot of extensions. More things to upgrade, more things to break.
You ought to be able to find ping functionality in the following site map component.

SEF Service Map 2 (with PingBack system) ... 63/details - WEB | PHOTO | WRITE | MARKETING | DESIGN - Off Road Sports Lifestyle

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by FidelGonzales » Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:06 am

dpk wrote:@Unlimited

I would not say Joomla is a "limited solution" for blogging. You have to add a few extra extensions, but it blogs perfectly well. If you want *only* a blog, Joomla isn't for you, but if you want a website that does all kinds of things and has one or more blogs, then it makes sense. As does Drupal and a few others.
Absolutely correct. Thank you for the clarification and correction to the quoted phrase. For the pure purpose of blogging, Joomla is far more complicated than it needs to be but likewise far more extensible.

It is Joomla's extensibility that remains a difficult argument to overcome when weighed against other scripts. This fact is especially evident as you consider what your site may eventually be required to evolve into as the demands of your community and its market evolve.
dpk wrote:I agree with you on not seeing the point of taking blog content outside of the core content system, which is perfectly adequate for blogging.
If you do indeed go with Joomla, this is a critical issue to consider. I learned this in the early days of Mambo with MamBlog, which remains buggy and stagnant to this day and is not yet compatible with Joomla 1.5. With the amount of plugins, modules and components, you can do far more with a core Joomla blog than you can with any third party solution, which includes exporting content data to and from Joomla websites as well as to other scripts such as Drupal, Wordpress and WordPress MU. You cannot easily do this when using a third party component as your blog, which is why I advise against it. Furthermore, if there is a bug in core Joomla content, sections or categories, you can be assured it will be fixed by the next Joomla release, which is backed by a massive community of contributors. Again, no third party blogging component can compete. Nor will a third party blogging component outlast the Joomla project, as it is a living community, whereas a single development generally resides one or at most a very small team of developers.

In spite of the aforementioned, if you are going to go with a third party component solution for your Joomla blog, it is important to consider developer stability. Here seems to be the only worth considering.

IDoJoomla - Various versions are available, including free and commercial versions. This project and its developer seems to be stable and looking to head toward the direction of a social networking application, since it is looking to take on more Community Builder-style features with its IDoBlog Community component currently being developed.

MyBlog - This one is yet another stable project with a stable developer. Since this project has been around much longer, it is likely more stable and seems to have the ability to integrate better with other components.
dpk wrote:Joomla 1.6 is going to improve com_content, so you might want to stay within it for that reason.
Excellent point. There is still much to come with Joomla, and Joomla 1.6 is even more reason why one ought to make do with Joomla core as a blog solution.

If the limitations of com_content are a problem, there are alternatives to it in the form of Joomla extensions or other CMSes, like Drupal+CCK+Views. That's not stuff anyone will take on if they just wants to blog.

On Wordpress, the latest version allows auto-updates to the core and plugins. Is this possible with any of the Joomla extensions that integrate WP with Joomla? A core WP update could break the integration, so I wonder if that is a problem.[/quote]

If Joomla is simply not enough for your blogging desires, WordPress and WordPress MU would likely serve as a better solution, as it is virtually equal in stature as Joomla, therefore possessing a massive community, a stable platform, an array of extensible modules and an array of integrations with other standalone software applications. - WEB | PHOTO | WRITE | MARKETING | DESIGN - Off Road Sports Lifestyle

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by dauricejordan » Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:29 pm


This is great information. You have given me a lot to think about. As I stated before I am a Realtor but I also have a technical background just not so much in content management. You mention com_content. How can I learn about this and the different components of Joomla? Is it just through trial and error? Or is laid out in the Joomla documentation?

Also how robust of a solution is Joomla in terms of running corporate critical applications? Is it a viable solution for E-Commerce and/or securing critical data? How easy it to run a mutliple site environment where the sites reference the same code base and data? This would be necessary to run multiple sites in which some or all sites will display articles from the same source db but not necessarily to same articles. I know there are extensions for this (or that do something similar) but it would be great if were a core feature. Are there plans to include this down the road?

Have you heard of Sitecore or Teamsite? How would Joomla hold up against these commercial CMSs?

One more thing, Currently URLs look like this: http// This looks awkward. How can I achieve instead?

I know my questions are a little off the original subject. If you decline to answer is there another forum where I can ask these questions?

Thanks again for the great info!

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by deleted user » Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:42 am

You mention com_content. How can I learn about this and the different components of Joomla? Is it just through trial and error? Or is laid out in the Joomla documentation?
Yes, both. Google. Read. You might have to dig into developer forums and networks to get into informed discussions of the actual architecture of the system, but then again people who have accepted and submerged themselves into its logic may be the most myopic people on the planet with regard to Joomla's architecture. That's just my guess; I don't get that deep into things myself.

Here are the basics--Joomla's unique and eccentric way of doing things:
  • com_content (the core content component) is the content management system. The rest of Joomla is essentially window dressing--added on scripts and applications.
  • com_content works closely with the menu system; it actually relies on it. No menus=no content displayed.
  • A visible page doesn't exist in Joomla (even if it is entered in com_content/the content manager and published) unless it is associated with a (visible or invisible) menu item directly or indirectly. (Direct: menu item=that page; Indirect: menu item=com_content set to display a section or category of articles which include that page.) Alternatively you can manipulate URLs to create page views that "don't exist" as far as Joomla is concerned by appending an Itemid (refers to a menu item) to the query in an unaliased Joomla URL and com_content will render that page as it would for any content that menu item actually displays.
  • com_content understands pages/articles as content and nothing else. It can't make up new content types.
  • Every content item must have both a section and a category (only one of each) or neither. Sections and categories can be displayed in a couple of ways with various parameters switched on or off or overriding each other, or following global settings, or some mix of all of the above. Tables used for layout are spit out by com_content as it creates the page output--unless you use (in J! 1.5) or make a template that contains overrides for com_content's output. (This is starting to become common now.)
If you accept these strictures and are happy with the limited and generic ways that com_content will render your content, it's a quick and easy system to use. If you want more flexibility, you can have it, but it will take some workarounds that can be frustrating to arrive at by trial and error.

The biggest problem with Joomla and also one of the things to make it accessible and popular is that it has this extremely simple (to the point of simple-minded), non-customizable, restrictive way of creating content.

All things considered I'd have to say it is a bad system, maybe a terrible one, measured against a system of maximum freedom and flexibility. The thing is, maximum freedom and flexibility is NOT what most people want. They want an functional, good-looking site, and they just want to add simple things to it after all the views and window dressing are set up from a package or by someone else who knows what they are doing. They want a backend that makes sense and looks like a shared/group work environment. They don't want a two day retreat to learn CCK and Views, which is the madness you get from the Drupal world, as a consequence of its extreme flexibility. Other really flexible, powerful content managers are the same. It is an intriguing problem that covers areas of software development that are probably not often understood well by single individuals. Wordpress probably has the best balance, and now with its 2.7 release is probably the best CMS in terms of accessibility, overall quality, and flexibility--if you don't need robust community features, major integrated applications, and the kinds of extensions only Joomla has.

Fortunately the basic problems of com_content are being addressed for J! 1.6, although I suspect it might be impossible to radically improve without breaking completely from the past versions. Most people who are happy with Joomla seem to be using it for its extensions and glitzy templates--which are finally at last starting to become (maybe) influenced by a trend toward semantic validity and lightweight code.
Also how robust of a solution is Joomla in terms of running corporate critical applications?
How corporate, and how critical? :D I guess it depends on your measuring stick. I'm not familiar with the proprietary systems you mentioned.
Is it a viable solution for E-Commerce and/or securing critical data?
Once answer to that is the longevity and popularity of VirtueMart, but if you just want eCommerce, why not Freeway or Magento?

Joomla won't secure anything; someone who knows that they are doing with it can. SSL transactions are as secure as SSL. Critical data stored in the database--why do it if you don't have to? The risk you run doing that will vary depending on the quality of your server admin and people responsible for updating the site.
How easy it to run a mutliple site environment where the sites reference the same code base and data?
If you're asking if the commercial extensions for multisite installations are worthwhile, or if they operate from a single installation of the Joomla code, I don't know. I haven't heard of this as a planned feature, but I haven't been following J! development plans very closely.

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by dauricejordan » Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:11 am

Hey...Thanks again for your help. You have given much to think about and have sparked my interest to another level.

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by Frankd4 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:16 am

Great thread! I have enjoyed everyone's comments and insight.

I do have one question though, Into which of his categories does our friend DPK claim to fit.
dpk wrote: Serious joke. It seems that the "groupies" who congregate around an open source CMS mostly consist of 1) a few extension and template developers, who create the extensions than make the core CMS customizable to others with little or no programming (or design) ability; 2) a few web developers who can actually make a living off off of pure webdev projects, but many rely on income as extensions and template vendors; 3) a LOT of amateur users who build what are essentially hobby sites that do not turn a profit. I would guess this last group is the main buyer of templates and extensions.
I probably fit into categories 2 and 3 as I get paid for Web dev and have several non-profit and hobby sites where I have no intention of making a profit. I also am willing to pay for templates and extensions, some good and some bad. I paid for Azrul's JomSocial, JomComment and My Blog along with many, many others because I like to experiment with them. I regularly donate to free extension developers because I like to. I try to help others on the forum as a way to pay the help I receive forward. I have abandoned programming as a waste of time, I can hire the best in the world for a buck a guaranteed line. My design ability sucks and I am trying earnestly to improve, primarily for personal edification and delight. I do sense a little condescension in DPK's categorization, it reminds me of the days when GUI's were considered unmanly, and so I will respond with my position that mechanical/programmed functions and eye candy are wonderful but in the end only content counts.

This being said I find the content at DPK's site to be the most ideologically exciting that I have encountered in a very long time the site is The work-around of giving the visitor compelling content to read while 73 images load is brilliant and works well in place of optimization, or perhaps it is so cold in Wisconsin that the electrons move faster and the images load more quickly. Thank goodness my cell phone from which I am writing this post has a 3G connection.

You can see my point on content as half way through the images the content overlay ends. The pictures are nice but are not worth the thousand words they claim. I have the same problem with my Highlights slideshow, I have a huge number of great shots but not enough to say. I do a little better on one of my commercial sites:

DPK's text fader extension is fabulous, again because of the content, the tabs in articles work very well. But I find the side bar image scroller and Joomla RSS feed a distraction. The Joomla RSS feed is the perfect example of why commercial advertising/branding-free extensions are, in certain applications, the way to go. In the commercial site I reference above I use the logos of products my intended visitors are very familiar with and I provide no links off-site. I wonder if DPK's customers are familiar with or care about the components used to create their sites. This leads to a question of the multiple messages of the site: 1. Local community focus, 2. Open Source advocacy and 3. Web site development. A more focused message might be more effective.

For me, I just take what Joomla gives me and do with it what I can. I add an extension here and there as I need it and try to avoid adding features and extension just because I can. My JomSocial site has 1700+ members so far, most of whom cannot figure out how to use the system. Azrul's documentation is next to worthless so I am having to use speaking characters to explain what I can. I am thinking of using it for a large non-profit I am working with but their focus is exclusively local and I could use some advice from DPK on how to make local niche community connections work.

Best of the New year to everyone and next time I am snowed in at an airport I will review other community sites and software. -- Cheers, Frank
Last edited by Frankd4 on Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
I may not be very good, but at least I'm not too fast.

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by deleted user » Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:40 am

Yeah, I do get tired of the groupies. I seem to run into them more with other CMSes now; Joomla seemed more like that in its first year. Fork-fever.

I fit into 2) and 3) as well, except I do not make or aim to make a living from building websites. I think I have good organizational and passable design skills. Yes, content is king, but treating it or creating it as a thing apart from design/aesthetics is wrong. When this is done, it reflects people having become blind to the philosophical and poetic life or potential of their languages.

I'm a good thief/appropriator and can make modifications to existing code, but I don't have the time to learn to write my own applications and would rather hire out for that too. I've purchased quite a lot of Joomla extensions and templates; I've bought jomComment and jXtended Comments recently, and I'll probably take that $99 jomsocial deal by Monday. I bought a life membership in one extension club that has been really productive, and I wanted to help it stay that way.

Whether it's Joomla or another platform, I also get irked by coders who do awful design and designers who can't produce well-written content or get their site functioning 100%. Mainly it bothers me when they are charging for their services, or representing an otherwise decent open source application. I sometimes wonder how much low quality defines the bulk of open source cms web development, and how much hobbyists with no profit-motive define the bulk of template and extension purchases. If that is not too inaccurate of a picture, is is sustainable? Is that just the roiling stew that's necessary to generate the good stuff, which floats to the top?

Thanks for the compliments. The revamped version of my site (prettier, clearer, and more thoughts) is sitting at, almost ready to replace the other. The rokslideshow thing is a bit eccentric, yes. The caption overlays actually do not run out but stop for a while, and eventually end with a poem--one line or phrase per image over several images.

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by unleash_it » Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:16 pm

hello friends,

availaible now for download: 1.1.0.b3.431

see also the great fotostreams of joomunity ... 0/sizes/l/

best regards
regards un-leash,
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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by M4rc0 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:56 pm

This thread was very usefull..

Until the release of joomunity beta3

Now I have no doubts :D

Joomunity is amazing and it's just in beta stage

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by deleted user » Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:52 pm

@Frankd4: some of your comments prodded me to wake up to what I should know and rethink my personal site design. I was already doing that and about done, but some fundamental things needed to change.

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by unleash_it » Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:26 pm

new category - for showcases

Show off what you've done or are doing with Joomunity. how you did it might be helpful. Please 1 website per topic. If you want to show a similar website, create a new topic, then link to the previous post. An acceptable post should have

see what they share

regards un-leash,
a big fan for ++ 11 years now: With Joomla you can easily create and extend your website: see the site, that offers you ideas & modules - - it lists over 4000 extensions

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by deleted user » Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:33 am

Who has some thoughts on how CB, JA, and other big extensions will be affected by Joomla 1.6?

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by Stasys » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:17 am

dpk wrote:Who has some thoughts on how CB, JA, and other big extensions will be affected by Joomla 1.6?
we ll have ACL in 1.6
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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by deleted user » Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:12 pm

Yeah...that's what I mean.

How does that affect those extensions? I would guess they will need to be whittled down and fully use the core for all user functions, possibly including user groups.

I'm not sure if 1.6 will allow front-end creation and editing of groups and access, however. At this point the 1.6 revision in development does not show any outward sign of front end ACL control. If that is true through to the official release, I expect it will be something 3PDs provide.

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by if_iwere_a_dog » Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:50 pm

hello dpk

brilliant thougths.
dpk wrote:Yeah...that's what I mean.

How does that affect those extensions? I would guess they will need to be whittled down and fully use the core for all user functions, possibly including user groups.

I'm not sure if 1.6 will allow front-end creation and editing of groups and access, however. At this point the 1.6 revision in development does not show any outward sign of front end ACL control. If that is true through to the official release, I expect it will be something 3PDs provide.
hope that the developers will make the things with these developement ideas in mind.

- if i were a dog :) ;D

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by Stasys » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:30 pm

You should ask Joomunity devs, and inform us here :)
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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by unleash_it » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:11 am


just head over and talk to them.



update: some answers from the developers at joomunity

First i must say i think Joomla 1.6 is going in the direction we all want to see it go, and have for so long waited. Joomunity is tagging on with the same spirit. Infact from the most talked about feature - ACL 1.6 solves many problems which ever since conception Joomunity has been faced with i.e Groups/Permission Management

....Joomunity Groups, will possibly be the most exciting thing. I have never wanted to throuw out a quick group application that has little or no impact on the whole sites architecture. In other words we don't want groups limited to Joomunity alone but we want globally available groups, which can be controlled or moderated from any other Joomla component, and the site as a whole

head over and read on

regards un-leash,
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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by Webdongle » Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:55 am

Unlimited Dynamics wrote: You ought to be able to find ping functionality in the following site map component.

SEF Service Map 2 (with PingBack system) ... 63/details
I have that extention but i need to find a list of pingback Hosts to add to it.
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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by if_iwere_a_dog » Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:45 am

hello webdongle

thx for posting. you ought to do so. Plz keep us posted and informed about your further progress.

thx alot

if i were a dog

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by Santander » Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:59 pm

Hi there.

Ive bought Jomsocial last current version. (more or less 120$)
Found it rather interesting for the futur and the concept as well.
Very disapointed that they are now speaking of selling a special template.
When and where will it stop ? Are we suppose to pay always and always when the product
is not working well yet ?

So many bugs right now that we long for a new release.
Most people who believe in the Azrul team are merciful and wait but
we don't see anything coming.
The basic documentation needed is "coming soon" on their official site Incredible !!!

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by unleash_it » Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:04 am

hello Santander

thanks for posting. Allways interesting to see what is going on out there.
Santander wrote:Hi there. Ive bought Jomsocial last current version. (more or less 120$)
Found it rather interesting for the futur and the concept as well. Very disapointed that they are now speaking of selling a special template. When and where will it stop ? Are we suppose to pay always and always when the product is not working well yet ? So many bugs right now that we long for a new release. Most people who believe in the Azrul team are merciful and wait but we don't see anything coming. The basic documentation needed is "coming soon" on their official site Incredible !!!
well i stick to the joomunity-community. They have more than 1300 members so far. Hope that they do not (!!) sell stuff in such a manner.

look forward to hear from you
best regards
joo :)
regards un-leash,
a big fan for ++ 11 years now: With Joomla you can easily create and extend your website: see the site, that offers you ideas & modules - - it lists over 4000 extensions

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by redp » Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:28 am

I agree with dpk and would add to that.

I too tried a demo of jomsocial, and quickly binned it.

I have also tried joomunity, which I found rather interesting, but that was during the early beta phase last year. I have since put it on hold, and will possibly return to it for another dabble in time to come. Though, this will depend on the costing of the essential social plugins that will be required to go with Joomunity.

I looked at jcommunity a while back, hit on a couple of layout issues, and quickly grew tired of it, but I guess my expectation at the time superseded what it could deliver. One to watch out for in the future I expect.

CB, now can this really be beaten? Afterall, it's free and workable, and with a bit of elbow grease and some imagination a community site can work. A downside though is the redundant joomla core bits, and the unwanted CB core plugins.

I currently use CB, and to compliment it, (imo), I have installed, Idoblog (the old one, not the new community version), Kunena forum, Groupjive, Joomgallery, and I am looking to extend with the possible use of Syret, and PU Arcade, though the jury is still out on PU Arcade.

Unless another developer serves up a better and Free OS social component, modules and essential plugins which don't require payment, I will be sticking with Community Builder.

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by unleash_it » Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:28 am

hello redp,

many many thanks for the input. It is great to hear f rom you. You have very very rich experiences.
redp wrote:
CB, now can this really be beaten? Afterall, it's free and workable, and with a bit of elbow grease and some imagination a community site can work. A downside though is the redundant joomla core bits, and the unwanted CB core plugins.
I currently use CB, and to compliment it, (imo), I have installed, Idoblog (the old one, not the new community version), Kunena forum, Groupjive, Joomgallery, and I am looking to extend with the possible use of Syret, and PU Arcade, though the jury is still out on PU Arcade. Unless another developer serves up a better and Free OS social component, modules and essential plugins which don't require payment, I will be sticking with Community Builder.
a very interesting statement, you made. I once installed Community Builder. But it was really amazing to see how to configure the CB...

i look forward to hear more reviews. More from all systems.. This discussion can be very very fruitful.

many many thanks for all inputs

joo :) ;)
regards un-leash,
a big fan for ++ 11 years now: With Joomla you can easily create and extend your website: see the site, that offers you ideas & modules - - it lists over 4000 extensions

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by bossman » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:31 am

dpk wrote: You should also consider externally hosted "white label" social network widgets and applications as ways to beef up a Joomla site and actually minimize the complexity of your site. KickApps has Joomla integration now.
This has been an excellent (although time-consuming) thread. I launched Community Builder on my site over at a year or so ago. Unfortunately, the site is sort of an afterthought hobby of mine and I haven't pushed it much so the community is only growing at a snails pace. I was more than happy with the implementation of CB though. I've just built from scratch and am actually in the process of redirecting over there now and it donned on me that it wouldn't hurt to have a little community functionality around it. So that's where I am now. Based on what I've read here, I'm probably leaning towards Joomunity but I'm very interested to learn more about KickApps social networking tool. Bear with me here, but what does "white label" mean, how would you compare Joomunity to KickApps, and how come KickApps didn't last as a viable talking point within this thread? Am I missing something?

At the most basic level, for this flag football leagues site I want individuals to be able to find potential teammates and talk a little trash. I don't want them to have to log in a second time after already logging into Joomla (of course, that also goes for the shopping cart if possible - I need to upgrade the ancient existing one). Then, at the next level it would be nice if they could group their friends as teammates and whatnot to organize collection of player fees, organize practices, RSVP for games, etc..

Also, when we're talking about the core Joomla blog, are we talking about posting latest news articles? ...or is there a separate blog component? I'm fairly new to blogging, but as far as I can tell, posting a news article seems to accommodate the same task as posting a personal blog article...except there isn't a place for user comments. How do I get that in there? I used J! Reactions at, but is that still a recommended strategy? Like I said, that was a while ago. I need to launch some sort of comments tool at so, thoughts?

(NOTE: I just checked my CB list and the 20 or 30 names I remembered from back in October has skyrocketed to 143...unfortunately, most of them look like spam accounts. Ugh! Looks like I forgot to put a captcha in there...if CB even has that option...can't imagine they don't.)

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by unleash_it » Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:57 am

hello Bossmann hello dpk

many thanks for the input. Great to hear from you
bossman wrote:
dpk wrote: You should also consider externally hosted "white label" social network widgets and applications as ways to beef up a Joomla site and actually minimize the complexity of your site. KickApps has Joomla integration now.
This has been an excellent (although time-consuming) thread. I launched Community Builder on my site over at a year or so ago. Unfortunately, the site is sort of an afterthought hobby of mine and I haven't pushed it much so the community is only growing at a snails pace. I was more than happy with the implementation of CB though. I've just built from scratch and am actually in the process of redirecting over there now and it donned on me that it wouldn't hurt to have a little community functionality around it. So that's where I am now. Based on what I've read here, I'm probably leaning towards Joomunity but I'm very interested to learn more about KickApps social networking tool. Bear with me here, but what does "white label" mean, how would you compare Joomunity to KickApps, and how come KickApps didn't last as a viable talking point within this thread? Am I missing something?

At the most basic level, for this flag football leagues site I want individuals to be able to find potential teammates and talk a little trash. I don't want them to have to log in a second time after already logging into Joomla (of course, that also goes for the shopping cart if possible - I need to upgrade the ancient existing one). Then, at the next level it would be nice if they could group their friends as teammates and whatnot to organize collection of player fees, organize practices, RSVP for games, etc..

Also, when we're talking about the core Joomla blog, are we talking about posting latest news articles? ...or is there a separate blog component? I'm fairly new to blogging, but as far as I can tell, posting a news article seems to accommodate the same task as posting a personal blog article...except there isn't a place for user comments. How do I get that in there? I used J! Reactions at, but is that still a recommended strategy? Like I said, that was a while ago. I need to launch some sort of comments tool at so, thoughts?

(NOTE: I just checked my CB list and the 20 or 30 names I remembered from back in October has skyrocketed to 143...unfortunately, most of them look like spam accounts. Ugh! Looks like I forgot to put a captcha in there...if CB even has that option...can't imagine they don't.)
we need more inputs like this.
thx alot for all you do!

regards un-leash,
a big fan for ++ 11 years now: With Joomla you can easily create and extend your website: see the site, that offers you ideas & modules - - it lists over 4000 extensions

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by WsfWarlord » Wed May 13, 2009 12:27 pm

I'm currently using Community builder and kunena, but they doesn't live to my expectations (especially kunena...)
So i'm thinking about changing and i got some questions..

Do you think joomunity + jfusion + phpbb3 is a good mix?
is rokbridge better than jfusion?

I've used phpbb a lot at the time of phpbb2 and i'm guessing jfusion just import the users from joomla into phpbb and phpbb uses it's own user access management. (that is something that is really missing in kunena because it's limited by joomla's non existent ACL..) am i right?

Can the avatars from phpbb be synched with joomunity?

Is there a way to use avatars from joomunity in articles?

is joomunity always going to be free? what about that "appstore"? (it's currently closed while i'm writing this so i can't check..)

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by Webdongle » Wed May 13, 2009 4:08 pm

From my experience jfusion + phpbb3 are a good mix ?[/quote] have them running perfectly on 2 sites. I do not have joomunity so can not comment on that.

There is excellent suuport from jfussion it works well as a bridge.
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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by FidelGonzales » Wed May 13, 2009 4:30 pm

WsfWarlord wrote:Hi
I'm currently using Community builder and kunena, but they doesn't live to my expectations (especially kunena...)
So i'm thinking about changing and i got some questions..

Do you think joomunity + jfusion + phpbb3 is a good mix?
is rokbridge better than jfusion?

I've used phpbb a lot at the time of phpbb2 and i'm guessing jfusion just import the users from joomla into phpbb and phpbb uses it's own user access management. (that is something that is really missing in kunena because it's limited by joomla's non existent ACL..) am i right?

Can the avatars from phpbb be synched with joomunity?

Is there a way to use avatars from joomunity in articles?

is joomunity always going to be free? what about that "appstore"? (it's currently closed while i'm writing this so i can't check..)
What specifically about Kunena were you not happy with?

While I love the use of the embedded SJSB Joomla / SMF bridge component (great forum software/uses same URLs as Joomla 1.0/works well), I am looking for something native, specifically for improved speed, but I am skeptical of migrating to something that may not have a formidable lifespan, does not at least have group features and does not have any available scripts to migrate away from should I not like it.

Regarding SJSB Joomla / SMF Bridge, there was interest in both parties to integrate the two, but for the last few months, Joomunity development has been asleep, and I'm beginning to have some doubts as to its momentum for future growth. - WEB | PHOTO | WRITE | MARKETING | DESIGN - Off Road Sports Lifestyle

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Re: JomSocial vs. CB vs. Joomunity vs. Others

Post by unleash_it » Fri May 22, 2009 2:06 pm

hello dear sir

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regards un-leash,
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