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You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:45 pm
by styleshark
Before seeing joomla 1.5 I used to think joomla was the greatest content management system in the world, however it now lacks one HUGE featured that was previously available in all past joomla versions.

Think of sites content sites like MSN, YAHOO, COLLEGEHUMOR, PCMAGAZINE, CNN, ALIBABA.COM,, WALLSTREETJOURNAL, etc..., etc.., etc.,

or basically ANY site with large amounts of content.

What do they ALL have in common??


They have a THUMBNAIL IMAGE to show what an article, news item, video, link, story, etc., is about.

Then they may also have a title, short description, read more link etc.,

However by removing the functionality of mosimage from joomla you made it nearly impossible to have a site like MSN, YAHOO, etc.. from joomla without a ton of extra work.

Let me explain in code..

Before you could have a query like this for joomla
SELECT * FROM jos_content
Then use the 'mysql_fetch_array'
to get the table images (mosimage) title, introtext, fulltext, readmore....

You could then make joomla look like any of the sites above, you could sort by sections by simply adding WHERE sectionid='X', you could limit the number of articles displayed using LIMIT X,Y and basically you could have one of the GREATEST nicest looking content sites in the world.

Now this is IMPOSSIBLE... Sure you can put an image in your intro text, sure you can link it to the article you are writing about (if you have the id) then you can create a linkable title, and rearrange the intro text to try and mimic other great sites.

HOWEVER you have to redo this every single time you add a new article.

BEFORE you just set the image size by setting img src=mosimage width=50 height = 50 and you would have consistently nice layout.

NOW you have little more functionality than a wordpress blog.

Last I checked, joomla was a content management tool, not blog management.

So please, please, please, either bring back mosimage, OR simply add a thumbnail field right below TITLE, ALIAS, ETC, so that we can have a thumbnail to represent articles instead of inserting it into the intro text.

Re: You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:50 pm
by Hackwar
I have to say, that I don't have the slightest clue what your problem is. I don't see a layout which you couldn't get with Joomla 1.5 and I would go as far as to tell you, that you haven't understood the Joomla API at all. using things like mysql_fetch_array in an environment like Joomla is most likely the worst way of accessing the DB.
Maybe you want to make a screenshot of what you want or something, but I don't see a problem here.

This is also no whitepaper, but a feature request (and in my opinion this is something that should be rephrased and put into general questions.)

Re: You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:38 pm
by willebil
I agree with Hannes here, don't see the problem really. Beside that this is not a white paper proposal as we want it to be posted. I will move this post to the denied section, you can keep on discussing this topic there but we will not take it into account when we evaluate all posted white papers.

Please see the following links for additional information : and

Re: You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:20 pm
by severdia
It's a bit difficult to decipher, but it seems that the original poster should post in the Joomla 1.5 section to find a solution for his issue. I believe what he's trying to do has not been removed but changed in 1.5 so it's just a matter of changing the process he's used to.

Re: You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:52 am
by styleshark for example, it fetches mosimage to look like it does.

Since no image is assigned in the database, I don't see how you can do this without mosimage..

Before I upload 1.jpg via joomla, I assign it to article 1, whereever article 1 displays I can display 1.jpg next to it. This is because mosimage would create a spot in the database as 1.jpg

By removing mosimage and having no replacement how can you fetch or assign a thumbnail image to an article?? That is without going through a lengthly process of creating a script which strips the image code from the start of an article?

Re: You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 4:25 am
by brad
I'd love to help.. but saying we destroyed Joomla... I'm just keeping away from this attitude. Sorry.

Posting your question, in a nice way, in the correct forum is usually the best place to start.

..moving to the denied section.

Re: You DESTROYED mosimage!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:29 am
by styleshark
I apologize if it sounded like attitude, I assure you I didn't mean it too sound as bad as some people took it. I love joomla and version 1.5. And I love you guys for making it and making my web design life soooo much easier.

That is why I want to keep version 1.5 instead of reverting back to the old 1.0.1x version.

However I guess all my sites are so heavily dependent on mosimage that I was extremely disappointed that it was taken out without anything to replace it.

So to everyone at joomla, I am sorry if it sounded like attitude and I am sorry if I offended anyone, and I would still appreciate some help if you are still willing to give it.

Re: You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:01 pm
by deleted user
@styleshark-- Have you discovered the numerous content extensions that allow you to do everythign to listed (and more) with Joomla?

What the core needs is just a better com_content and/or frontpage handler that lends itself to more flexible layouts without using tables.

Re: You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:31 pm
by styleshark
this was posted about 5 months back when there were very few joomla components that functioned in 1.5 without legacy mode. However I found that actually you can just make a very small edit to the admin.content.html file and it will do what I described above with no problems whatsoever. No need for plugins.

Thanks to the entire joomla community, joomla 1.5.5 is amazing and I will be launching my site very soon with your amazing CMS.

And sorry again for my dumb post. I said Joomla 1.5 was destroyed (as a joke) far before I realized how amazing and improved it was over the previous joomla version.


Re: You DESTROYED joomla!, but you CAN fix it.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:31 pm
by willebil
Thanks for getting excited...we already had the virus some time ago :-)

Without kidding...I really appreciate you return with some positive feeling about the latest version of 1.5. Every release it is becoming better and better, and every time we explain the power we try to deliver people get more and more excited. Maybe you could share some stories about your endeavor, so others can see how you have overcome your initial struggles.