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How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 3:04 am
by djfeliz
I need to report a JUG by bad behavior of its members before other users in groups on Joomla on social networks.
She was raped by personal attacks Group Managers Girlan Volotao JUG Carioca.

Below review copy of the user (without translation), Portuguese (Brazil), in date 2015 / 05 / 27.

" Como disse antes, o Dagoberto Clemente, digo direto o nome pois não sou homem de mandar indiretas pois acho isso coisa de moleque, está sendo oportunista e maldoso quer aparecer e atrair usuários pro clube do bolinha dele assim ele pode posar lá de salvador da pátria, defensor dos fracos e oprimidos e é claro dono do seu próprio clubinho. Cansei dessas babaquices já, fica procurando desmerecer os outros, desvalorizar as informações que os outros passam pra poder ficar posando de bom moço e é claro, sempre seguido de um convite pro grupinho que ele criou.

É fato que até nos nossos grupos de amigos virtuais existe uma seleção natural, eu até dei tempo ao tempo porém vi que não tem jeito, e seguindo o velho ditado que diz "quem anda com porcos farelo come" estarei excluindo esse indivíduo do meu grupo de amigos, e dos grupos que gerencio pois de erva daninha o quintal já tá cheio e pra salvar o jardim temos que ir arrancando sempre que detectamos."

This is unacceptable as Joomla Code of Conduct, especially coming from a manager of a JUG.

Arrangements should be made by those responsible for JUGs to prevent this from happening frequently.

Best regards

More information about the JUG caRIOca: ... rioca.html

Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 3:16 am
by jgress-

Sadly, I am on my phone and am having trouble translating the text. I've asked one of our team members to check it and help me since he speaks Portuguese.

To report a jug, all you have to do is go to their listing on the directory at and click user groups. Select the group and at the bottom of the listing will be a link to report the jug.

We can then investigate it. Please give whatever details you can that will help us.

Thank you! And even though I don't know what happened, I am sorry.


Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 5:41 pm
by djfeliz
Additional information about the JUG Carioca

This JUG there just to appear on the Joomla community, the only members of this team maintains, are the two Group Managers: Helvecio da Silva | Girlan Volotao.

Unfortunately, these two people, using community groups to denigrate and insult other volunteers users, showing lack of courtesy and respect, in short, seek only status before the Joomla user community.

Particularly not personally know these people are not my friends, and I have no privacy to the person's point create a profile that does not belong to myself.

Best regards.

Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 6:01 pm
by jgress-
Thank you very much for reporting. We are in receipt of the report you filed and are investigating.


Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 11:07 pm
by montano
@ Jenn,
Who is "We" exactly? The new CRT?
I translated the text and what I see is someone complaining that this group is a clique and used for self-promotion. Did I get that right? I'm not sure I see
She was raped by personal attacks Group Managers Girlan Volotao JUG Carioca.
Is there more content? Do you have a link or screen shots of the attack? You'll have to help out with the translation, as Google does a poor job.

Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 11:10 pm
by jgress-
The JUG Team. That was who the OP focused this post to.

We're in process of investigating.

Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:21 pm
by jgress-
initial investigation finds that no one was physically raped. just want to get that part clarified since people are questioning that. there are language translation issues and the OP did not mean a physical rape.

Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:43 pm
by Girlan
Hello Jenn Gress, Montano and other interested parties.

I really was not going to participate in this topic because there were so many reported untruths that I thought it best to shut up and not part of it because I believe I am best use my time contributing to the community.

But come on, here is a copy of my email already sent to jgress with some editing done to become more in line with the forum format ..

Yes, there was a problem, in fact this problem had been occurring for some time and only on that day I decided to respond to that user. The Dagoberto Clemente really is a complicated person, he must have really a problem, but let's set the record straight.

It was 8:03 am when a user posted a question related to Joomla, I answered at 8:16, I remember like it was yesterday, and then continue the conversation in order to help this user until the time came that he said he knew nothing of Joomla, did not know WHAT was and FTP or Filezilla. That's when I posted the link of a search on google related tutorials on FTP and use Filezilla and told him to choose the tutorial that best serve him as appeared tutorials videos and texts, and said that after he clarify these issues "off- joomla "to return that we would continue to help you.

At 18:00 pm the Dagoberto Clemente entered the topic disparaging all our help and saying that the most miserable of all was the one who posted a Google search, that is, me. I had already observed this Dagoberto behavior in other posts on other occasions where he tries to disqualify other users so that what he has to say to excel, and also takes the opportunity to promote his own group in the facebook saying that in his group that users will have real help and not in the other groups. That is, it disqualifies the effort of an entire group.

What did the Dagoberto not cited in the complaint is that he cursed me both openly group as inbox, but I did not answer the same way as it would be acting just like him and at that level I would not get. What did I told him briefly is that the stance he was taking over other people was not right, but he was being nasty to dismiss the other people who were helping and being opportunistic by using this approach to attract newcomers to a group he created for it.

It would also bring to the attention of friends is not the first time that user attitudes in question generate discomfort to other members of the Joomla community. For example, in the past, at the time of Joomla 1.5 was he the creator of the Joomla CMS fork called subtle "", trying once again to draw attention to it in their designs alone on the grounds that he did not agree with the way the community Joomla was being managed.

On the following link friends can also find other kind of divisive attitude this user:

I never had this kind of problem, and it's not today that seek to help the community in both groups, since the time of Orkut, and outside them. Jenn But you should know that on some occasions to defend the community as a whole ended up having to be firmer in our words with some users and indeed, I believe, was the first time I had to do it.

Unfortunately that our first contact we are dealing with unpleasant matters, but regardless of this situation would like to invite me add in your Facebook profile so I can even show you the activities that we are promoting with JUG Caioca, I'm sure you will like.

Sorry for any errors, I'm using google translator.

A big hug.

Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:19 am
by jgress-

I've heard both sides of the story and believe that if both parties follow the code of conduct that will take care of future issues ( ... nduct.html). Both have been asked/reminded to do this.

The incident occurred on a Facebook group called Joomla! Brasil ... olvedores/. This is not a JUG related Facebook Group.

The group that Girlan says belongs to Dagoberto Clemente is a Facebook group also not associated with any Joomla User Group called Joomla! Tutoriais

Let's all be kind and considerate while attempting to help others. ALL of us.


Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:26 am
by Girlan
This will always be the intention Jenn fully agree with your statements.

I want to believe that this was an isolated episode, we have much more to do for the Joomla community than stay debating as irrelevant matters or had the need to be brought here.

Better keep using our time to promote healthy growth of Joomla community.

Big hug to everyone.

Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:05 pm
by djfeliz
Hello everybody,

I am appalled and outraged by the user Girlan testimony, it appears that this person knows me better than myself, did not know until then, the whole "affair" that this user has in relation to my person. I do not understand all this personal hatred Girlan feel for me, and do not understand the reason to use phrases such evil, mainly because it is a person responsible for a JUG registered with OSM.

Stayed away from the Joomla community for a long time to resolve personal problems, I was without internet access for technical issues. And when I decide to come back to help Joomla users !, among many users encounter a user who appears to have a personal problem regarding my person. This to me is unacceptable.

Many people decide to volunteer in Joomla Project and do not even know that there is a Code of Conduct ... nduct.html, and assume the right to disrespect other users for free. Remember, the Code of Conduct does not apply only on Joomla sites, but in all communities around the world, whether in Faceboob, Tweeter, Glogle Plus, or even personal sites. The reason for my termination is because of the implication of a user who is responsible for a registered JUG, and is not something personal or something similar. The reason for my termination is because of the implication of a user who is responsible for a registered JUG, and is not something personal or something similar. What becomes inadmissible is that some users want to "control" the attitudes of others.

I do not know what's the user's problem Girlan about my person, and I do not know where he created in his mind, so much hatred, so much hatred, so much enmity with someone who does not even know, no contact, he does not live or know of existence until a few months ago (when settle back to the Joomla community). Apparently, Girlan loves "label" and denigrate people he did not know personally, it's not hard to see this in the report cited above.

Best regards

NOTE: I ask however, that the Girlan user, provide evidence of all charges he mentions that I said on social networks. If you can not prove, clearly demonstrates for free slander against me.

Re: How to report a JUG for bad behavior?

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:16 pm
by jgress-
i'm working on getting that translated but really, the bottom line is that all have been reminded to use the code of conduct in their communication regardless of where (jug, facebook group, forum, etc.).

it was the first report we've had of this nature and it has been noted, both sides heard, and the result is for both of you (everyone) to follow the code of conduct please.