Use of rule engine like Facebook..?!

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Use of rule engine like Facebook..?!

Post by darb » Tue May 23, 2017 10:49 am


I have tried to promote to use a integrated type of rule engine/decision engine for making Joomla a smarter CMS than other competitors. Working with rule engines since 2001. I tried to discuss this already 2006 so time passes quickly.

Facebook have this technology now and it would be nice if it could be used for Joomla as well so theses types of decisions/actions/triggers could be reused all over for Joomla and its 3pds integrated.

What you think?

This is for example Facebooks rule engine and its syntax for just the ads part of Facebook ... arted/v2.9

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Re: Use of rule engine like Facebook..?!

Post by darb » Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:41 am

Its seems not to be any discussion about this topic to include this central rule decision engine/function for triggers/action/decisions feature into core Joomla 4.

Drupal have a rule engine but not simpler cms like Wordpress or Joomla.

Its well documented in Drupal so you understand the concept also using business rules example: creat actions ... ng-actions

There is Camelon + MetaMod that start using this type of model, rule syntax and use for Joomla but it would be good to include this models, thinking into the core of Joomla so it could coherent be used by all Joomla core functions and extended to 3pds consistantly.

Here is info how Chamelon Metamod

"What are rules? Stephen description for Joomla perspective

Rules are a way of describing what you want to happen on your site. In plain English, you might describe a situation this way:

“Whenever I am viewing an article in the News section, I want to use the specialist News template. I don’t care about which menu item we’re on”.
“Whenever someone views the site with Internet Explorer, they should see our specialist IE template. Mobile devices should use the Mobile template. All others should see the General template”.

The challenge is to make a way to put these rules together using form elements.

Chameleon (and the Lite version) allow you to create individual rules. Within each rule you can specify values for things like language, users, groups, browser types etc. In order for the rule to “Succeed”, every condition you specify within that rule has to succeed. If any of the conditions fail, then the end result of the rule is a “Fail”.

At the end of the rule (the Action), you specify what you want to happen for a Success or Failure. You can get the rule to immediately set a given template, or get it to fall through to the next rule. You can also get the rules to redirect to a certain page, set cookies, and/or execute some PHP code.

Using this system, you can create chains of rules that AND and OR together. If you can’t create the exact rule that you want, you have the opportunity to code it in PHP, which is an even more expressive language."

What you think core Joomla developers and community is this needed good or not? :pop

Example RulerZ

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Re: Use of rule engine like Facebook..?!

Post by darb » Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:02 pm

This is an video how Wordpress using rules for restricting content for certain users and would be nice to have something like this in core Joomla to https://www.[youtube].com/watch?v=O6O_GbF5NeE

what you think?


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