
Feature request for creating menu aliases

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Feature request for creating menu aliases

Post by grafixpro » Thu May 30, 2019 5:55 pm

Not sure where to put requests...

EDIT: Never mind. I figured out where to post this, but I have no way of deleting this post.
The post will be in sites/infrastructure instead

In many cases I first create a menu for a section of a site to be used as a module. I will then add these as aliases into the main menu. Sometimes these are shown in the main menu, sometimes not. Creating individual aliases isn't difficult but it would be nice if we had an option to automatically pull the title of the original to create the alias. I either have to be looking at the menu for the module to get my titles to add or, once an alias is selected, drag my cursor over the un-editable text showing in the title field to copy and paste the title of the original to use for the alias.

Also, it would also be nice to select multiple originals to create several aliases at one time in a batch. If it pulls the destination and titles, it would then be easy to go back and edit individual titles if necessary. Just a thought as I seem to do a lot of this.
Last edited by imanickam on Fri May 31, 2019 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Moved the topic from the forum General Questions/New to Joomla! 3.x to the forum Joomla! Ideas Forum
I searched first, I swear I did...

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