Best video website in my country (so far)

Joomla! Intern
Joomla! Intern
Posts: 73
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:56 pm
Location: London

Best video website in my country (so far)

Post by bukavu » Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:13 am

I started a new website in August for fun but I am amazed it turns out to be the best video website in my country Congo.

It s using the usual seyret pro for videos.

In January I start receiving 10000 visits a day and was kicked 3 times from the shared hosting that I opted to take a dedicated server... With some problems in February the daily visits have reduced to 5000 but I am hoping to go for 20000 visits a day by the end of the year.

Please help me by living your comments, negative ones are most welcome for I need to know what I have to change.

Take in account I know nothing about websites techics althought I build and maintain this one by myself from scratch (joomla magic not me)


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