First time Joomla user making alaskan video game site

Joomla! Fledgling
Joomla! Fledgling
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First time Joomla user making alaskan video game site

Post by cain_karl » Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:52 am

Hi, I am praying I am following all the rules, I assume a moderator will tell me if I have screwed up as I am very computer illiterate. I have never created a website before this and Joomla has given me a chance to give it a try. My friend Wella started it and is the web designer, I have taken over and now edit, change and create more as I learn it and right now it may be upgraded to 1.5 soon to get a working petition, as one does not exist bug free on 1.0 that we could find.

However for now it is 1.0 and I am sooo proud of it! I jump up and down every time I see it. ^_^ It isn't perfect, but it is functional and I plan on tweaking and adding and subtracting a little every day. Please let me know your thoughts on it and if it is a site that you would enjoy on a regular basis, or if it lacks something. I could really use a little input as I am not much of a designer. :(

Site Name: Ian's Game Paradise
Site URL:
Site Owner: Ian Clark
Site Designer: Wella and Ian Clark (collaboration)
Site Genre: Community Fun

Likes: My last site was a single page that didn't stand out or work at all made by a stay at home mom who was my friends friends sister. This site does not even resemble an alaskan site, it is so wonderful to have. I am really trying to connect the alaskan community together to curb the rise of teen violence, depression and suicide by allowing them to stay connected and even post their own news and thoughts. Yes it is video games, but when I saw how energetic people get, and when I threw an event for autism, it worked on all levels and got kids out of the house.

Dislikes: The layout is alright but I wish it was bolder and I am working on making the logo bigger. I screw up a lot with the comics page and it is a gallery but I wish I could figure out how to make it an archive like other comic strip sites as some just stretch too far. The layout is alright but as I continue begins to look a little sloppy and I hope to fix that.

Please let me know what you think as I want to make it better and streamline it. Ug I'm hyper and babbling, I'll go now. ^_^

Joomla! Fledgling
Joomla! Fledgling
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:47 am

Re: First time Joomla user making alaskan video game site

Post by alihan1988 » Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:31 pm

Highlight module is very good!
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