Familienstolz.de - a german social network for families

Joomla! Apprentice
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Familienstolz.de - a german social network for families

Post by slomoman » Fri May 22, 2009 11:08 am

Check this out:

Familienstolz.de - die kostenlose Familien-Homepage für Kinderfotos, Baby-Blogs und mehr...

Familienstolz is a social network for families and their kids. You can upload pictures and greate your own albums, write a baby or family blog, and find friends and families with similar interests nearby. All pictures can also be protected with a password. You can also get the answer to all kinds of familiy-related questions in the forum.

Familienstolz ist ein Online Netzwerk für Familien und insbesondere ihre Kinder. Familien können Kinderfotos hochladen, eine Bilderalben anlegen, und sie den Verwandten zeigen. Man kan auch einen Familien- oder Babyblog führen und Freude oder Gleichgesinnte aus der Umgebung finden. Im Forum kann man die Antwort auf familienbezogene Fragen aller Art finden.

Technical Background:
  • - Joomla 1.0
    - Community Builder Extended
    - RafCloud
    - Fireboard Forum
    - Gallery2 and Gallery2-to-Joomla-Bridge from Serbanc
    - Mamblog
    - FCKEditor

Joomla! Ace
Joomla! Ace
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Re: Familienstolz.de - a german social network for families

Post by unleash_it » Sat May 23, 2009 7:57 am

hello dear slomoman

great site - very well designed.

i love the implementation of cb !

Well Joomla can be happy with the great modules and components that are offered. I really love joomla.

But i must say that i am happy wiht the features.

To start with the beginning: i am pretty new to joomla! i run the newest version of joomla.
And i admire the great feature-set of joomla. Well i do not mind the learing curve. I am willing to learn.
At the moment i just wanted to know if i can do this with cb (or an other extension of joomla)

see the page http://jobstarter.ch/index.php?id=14
i want to publish stories like the folks over there do it. See the little stories that are published there.

love to hear from you

best regards
joo :)
regards un-leash,
a big fan for ++ 11 years now: With Joomla you can easily create and extend your website: see the site, that offers you ideas & modules - extensions.joomla.org - it lists over 4000 extensions


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