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[2nd Revision] : To Do: Module: Sections 1.5x

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:34 am
by Michelle Bisson
Please edit and proof-read this text. I will then update the admin manual.  Please read: Guidelines for Editing and Proof-reading:,437.0.html

Please publish your work here in this thread.


Module: Sections

Re: To Do: Module: Sections 1.1x

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 10:41 am
by charlwillia6
Checked Out for Editing

Re: To Do: Module: Sections 1.1x

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 10:59 am
by charlwillia6
Checked In

-- 1.1x Draft Version

The Sections Module shows a list of all Sections configured in your database. The Sections refer here to the Published Item Sections in the order shown in the list displayed through Content  -> Section Manager. If the configuration 'Show Unauthorized Links' is set to 'No' in Global Configuration, the list will be limited to the sections the user is allowed to see.

The Sections Modules provides a means of displaying a list of all sections configured in your database.  The sections to be displayed are configured using the Section Manager (Menubar - Content -> Section Manager). If the configuration "Show Unauthorized Links" is set to 'No' in your Global Configuration, the list will be limited to the sections the a user is allowed to see.

Type: mod_section

Title: Title of the module to display on the page.
Title: Enter or edit (if needed) the title that will be displayed in the title bar of the module on the displayed page.

Show title: Decides if the Title will display or not on the page.
Show Title: Select "Yes" to have the title displayed. Select "No" to hide the title.

Position: Sets which of the positions available the module will display in.
Position: Select the position from the drop-down list to place this module in a specific position on the displayed page. For example selecting "left" position places the module in the displayed page's left column. Selecting "right" position places the module in the displayed page's right column. These positions are determined by it's location in the template.

Module order: The order the module will appear among modules assigned to the same page, in the same position.
Module Order: Select the order from the drop-down list to determine the order this module will appear relative to other modules listed in the same "Position" (e.g. "left" or "right"). See "Position" in this document.

Access Level: Sets who can view this module. Public, Registered or Special.
Access Level: Select the access level (which is your Web site’s user groups) from the multi-item select box to determine which sets of users have access to this module.

Published: Sets if the module contents will show on the Frontend of your Web site (if chosen Position is available in the template).
Published: Select "Yes" to publish this module; Select "No" to unpublish. Published modules are displayed on the pages selected in the "Pages / Items " menu on this page. Unpublished modules are hidden from view, even if there are selections made in "Pages/Items".

ID: This is the ID number for the module item. This is auto-allocated by the Joomla system when the module is saved.
ID: This is a unique identification number assigned to this module by the Joomla! system. This is automatically generated and cannot be changed.

Pages / Items:
Sets on which pages the module should be displayed.

Pages / Items: Select one or more items in the multi-item select box to determine the pages this module will be displayed on. The position that the module is actually displayed is affected by the choices made in the "Position" menu mentioned on this page.

Count: The number of Sections to display on the list (default is 5).
Count: Select how many sections you would like to be displayed in the module.  The module default is 5.

Enable Cache: Select to cache or not the content of this module.
Enable Cache: Click the “Yes” radio button to turn caching on for this module. Click the “No” radio button to turn caching off.

Module Class Suffix: A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the module (table.moduletable) to allow individual module styling.
Module Class Suffix: Enter the suffix for the CSS class of this module. (e.g. .moduletable-section). In this example, the "-section" is the suffix. This suffix class must currently be in the template CSS Style file. This allows individual CSS classes to be applied to certain modules independent of the site's default Template CSS classes.

Re: To Do: Module: Sections 1.1x

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:11 am
by Michelle Bisson
Thanks Charles!!!

You can now transfer all the corrections to the help site and update the changelog.  Please let me know when this is done.

Published: Select "Yes" to publish this module; Select "No" to unpublish. Published modules are displayed on the pages selected in the "Pages / Items " menu on this page. Unpublished modules are hidden from view, even if there are selections made in "Pages/Items".



Re: To Do: Module: Sections 1.1x

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 9:41 am
by charlwillia6
Checked Out for Transfer

Re: To Do: Module: Sections 1.1x

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:58 pm
by charlwillia6
Changelog has been updated.

This content item is ready for another revision, or proof-reading, by someone who has not already proof-read it.  Fresh eyes for proof-reading might discover something that was missed in the first revisions.

This can be done by anyone in the community who wishes to proof-read occasionally without committing to the doc project on an on going manner.

Re: [2nd Revision] : To Do: Module: Sections 1.1x

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:27 pm
by eddyyanto
The Sections Modules provides a means of displaying a list of all sections configured in your Database.  The sections to be displayed are configured using the Section Manager (Menubar - Content -> Section Manager). If the configuration "Show Unauthorized Links" is set to 'No' in your Global Configuration, the list will be limited to the sections the a user is allowed to see.

The Sections Modules provide means of displaying a list of all sections configured in your Database.  The sections to be displayed are configured using the Section Manager (Menubar - Content -> Section Manager). If the configuration "Show Unauthorized Links" is set to 'No' in your Global Configuration, the list will be limited to the sections that users are allowed to see.    ---> correct me if i am wrong.


Module Order:  Select the order from the drop-down list to determine the order this module will appear relative to other modules listed in the same "Position" (e.g. "left" or "right"). See "Position" in this document.

Module Order:  Select the order from the drop-down list to determine the order of this module that will appear relative to other modules listed in the same "Position" (e.g. "left" or "right"). See "Position" in this document.


Re: [2nd Revision] : To Do: Module: Sections 1.1x

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:05 pm
by nathandiehl
Module Order: Extra space after this title "Module Order:  "

inconsistant use: "Pages / Items " and later in same sentance: "Pages/Items" (and a later section, "Pages / Items:")