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Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:02 am
by _JT
I've got this errormessage. I've checked configuration.php but can't see anything wrong with it. This errormessage happened when I imported another MySQL database. This might sound as if I know what I'm talking about but I'm pretty new to all this.

Joomla is installed on a local webserver. With the db came a guide on how to install and I am supposed to run a script, but this is for Linux. Also not sure wether this is required in Windows:

find . ‐type f ‐exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . ‐type d ‐exec chmod 755 {} \;

Admin part (backend) doesn't work anymore either:
Error loading module Unknown column 'm.publish_up' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params, mm.menuid FROM jos_modules AS m LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = WHERE m.published = 1 AND (m.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_up <= '2011-04-06 09:14:28') AND (m.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_down >= '2011-04-06 09:14:28') AND m.access IN (1,1) AND m.client_id = 1 AND (mm.menuid = 0 OR mm.menuid <= 0) ORDER BY position, ordering
So I really don't know how to advance with this, can anyone help? Thanks.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:48 am
by chuckles87

Can you post up the code for the file that is throwing this error?


Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:58 am
by _JT
Do you mean the SQL file?

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:01 am
by chuckles87
What are you doing when it throws the above error? Are you trying to view the .php file in a web browser?


Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:09 am
by _JT
Just going to the frontpage of Joomla. Adminstrator the same. This all happened after I imported the database. I imported the database _afther_ I installed Joomla, into the database that I created for Joomla.

What I have to do is install Joomla en then use that database to instantly get a website (content, maybe lay-out if thats in the db) with the content of that db.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:27 am
by Webdongle
_JT wrote:I've got this errormessage. I've checked configuration.php but can't see anything wrong with it. This errormessage happened when I imported another MySQL database. This might sound as if I know what I'm talking about but I'm pretty new to all this.
You have 4 choices
  1. 'Drop the database Tables and replace with the ones from your backup. You did backup didn't you ?
  2. Look in the database and 'Drop all the Tables you imported. And rename the bak_tablenames if there are any.
  3. Ask you Host if they have a backup of the database. And beg them to restore it.
  4. Wipe everything and start from scratch.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:45 am
by _JT
I've got the database I am supposed to import in my mail and there is nothing else in the database so I'm not messing up anything in that sense ;) But I basically messed it up?

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:00 pm
by Webdongle
_JT wrote:I've got the database I am supposed to import in my mail...
Is that a backup of the database before you messed it up ?

When you had Joomla working why did you import into the database ?

Where did you get the sql file from ?

What were you trying to achieve ?

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:29 pm
by _JT
I have a new job and my boss wants me to get acquianted with Joomla. So he asked me to setup Joomla locally and use the database he mailed me for filling Joomla. I've opened the SQL in notepad and looked at it shortly, it's utf8 and it contains at least text to fill the website. I haven't recognized other elements BUT i'm not familiar with SQL. I'm assuming it's a Joomla-created db since he asked me to use the db in Joomla and in notepad I see lots of items (all kinds of managers, user, super users, administrators) that I suspect belong to Joomla.

So I had a database already in which I assume Joomla already wrote (when I had set it up). After that I tried importing the SQL file into the existing database (webserver created with WAMP) but that went wrong.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:52 pm
by Webdongle
Not a problem

With phpMyAdmin select all the Tables and 'Drop' them and then import the sql file
That should do it.

If No Avail ask your boss what version of Joomla it is ?

Also, create a new database and install Joomla with sample data in it in another directory. Then you can 'play' about with that as well. :D

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:39 pm
by _JT
Alright, I get a lot of errors now, mostly
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$params in
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
By the way, your help is much appreciated, thanks!

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:48 pm
by Webdongle
Make sure your boss has sent you the sql for Joomla 1.6. If he is using J1.5 you will need to install Joomla 1.5.23. Also your wamp might not run J1.5 as the newer version of wamp has a datbase version that does not match J1.5.

Perhaps use xampp 1.7.3 pick your OS.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:11 pm
by _JT
I mailed him, I'll let you know the outcome.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:26 pm
by _JT
Alright, he doesn't know and had to check it out....sigh. Is there an easy way to find out?

Edit: alright, I thought the easiest way would be to install 1.5 and just import the database :D So I did. And it worked. At least, the admin part did. I got some errors and found out it is because of some components missing. But I got it working as far as I could. Thanks for the help!

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:04 pm
by Webdongle
_JT wrote:.... I got some errors and found out it is because of some components missing. But I got it working as far as I could. Thanks for the help!
He must have used a database from a Joomla that had extensions added.

He should use Akeeba and send you the whole site that Akeeba puts into a backup file.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:49 pm
by _JT
Yeah I found out about Akeeba....only atm it's a live, used website so nothing should go wrong. Can anything go wrong using Akeeba? And does it transfer licenses? (legal of course)

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:30 pm
by Webdongle
_JT wrote:.....Can anything go wrong using Akeeba? ......
Yes a backup file can be corrupt or corrupt when you download it.
But if you test the .jpa backup file to a separate database you know the backup file is good.

Will installing Akeeba ruin your site ? Absolutely not !

The whole point of having Akeeba is to make a backup for when your site 'blows up' which it will. Someone will do something, or fail to do something, that will muck the site up. So get Akeeba ASAP.
_JT wrote:And does it transfer licenses? (legal of course)
Not sure what you mean by that. Are you speaking of licences to run a particular extension on a site ? If so then running it on a local set up surely is not the same as using it on another live site ?

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:44 pm
by _JT
It's about a license that allows usage on 1 live website and several internal websites that are being used for development. Will it automatically transfer that? Or do I have to put in the license codes again or something? Talking about RSForm!Pro and swMenuPro.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:55 pm
by Webdongle
_JT wrote:.... Will it automatically transfer that? Or do I have to put in the license codes again or something? Talking about RSForm!Pro and swMenuPro.
The licence code AFAIK is contained in the database so it should be exactly the same as the site. Even if putting the code in alters a file, then that file would be copied. The .jpa file contains everything in your site. The installer contained within the .jpa file makes an exact copy of your site. But really that question would be better answered by you trying out Akeeba.

I can understand you asking if installing/using Akeeba would ruin a live site. But asking 'what if' questions is redundant. And your time would probably be better spent with practical experience by trial and error ... Than by asking theoretical questions. Would suggest you get on with trying Joomla out than intellectualising it.

If you had set up a separate Joomla (with sample data) on your PC and used Akeeba on that, then you would not need to ask the questions you have.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:59 pm
by _JT
Akeeba with the option of moving extensions cost money, would be a shame if I would purchase it to find out it doesn't do what I've bought it for in the first place ;)

Thanks for your help!

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:12 pm
by Webdongle
_JT wrote:Akeeba with the option of moving extensions cost money, ...
I use the free version and it copies all the site that's All the database and All the files. Just try the free version to backup your live site. Then use the jpa file to place the site on your PC. That way you accomplish several things.
You get the practice and feel of Joomla a little as it gives you practice of installing and using extensions.
You find out if Akeeba free version will fit your needs for backing up your site. (it is possible that the licensed extensions are dependant on the MAC[MachineAddressCode] of your PC). The only way is to try it out.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:52 pm
by Webdongle
_JT wrote:I have a new job and my boss wants me to get acquianted with Joomla. So he asked me to setup Joomla locally and use the database he mailed me for filling Joomla.....
I have been re reading the posts in this thread. A new Job can be daunting and your boss has given you a task. Obviously (like most bosses) he has not got a clue how things work. He sent you an sql file and expected it to work with a new install of Joomla. A bit like a boss telling someone to wash his company car and not having a clue that it's thundering a lightning.

But there are things you can do.
  • Install Joomla locally twice. One with sample data one without.
  • Create Categories (Sections if 1.5), Articles and menus in the 'empty. Joomla. Use the data in the other Joomla as reference.
  • Practising installing and activating modules to module positions
  • Practice assigning modules to menu items
  • Set up different users([email protected] etc. for emails) and see how different user levels allow different access
  • Install free extensions similar to the licensed ones to see the basics of how they work
  • Activate Filezilla ftp server on xampp.
    Download Filezilla ftp client and connect it to localhost
    and practice like your PC is connected to a Remote Server
It doesn't matter if make a 'muck' of things as you can just install another Joomla on your PC. A few hours practice today and tomorrow and you will be able to impress your boss on Monday morning. He will be pleased with your initiative and knowledge once you explain why his just sending the database didn't work. And that you used your initiative by getting advice on the Joomla forums and went ahead and learnt Joomla from the 'Bottom up'.

Hope that helps stop you panicking and worrying.

Re: Infinite loop detected in JError

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:44 am
by _JT
Thanks :D Not panicking, but I was a bit frustrated :P At the moment I've gotten different priorities, but I'll let you know how it all works out.