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joomla 2.5 site loading slow , high cpu usage

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:31 am
by dellasoft
i have a joomla website with following config, the problem is, the site is very slow
many time display "508 resorce limit is reached" with high cpu usage and also display test error loop detected

pls help me to make my website load fast.

joomla version : joomla 2.5.9 stable
php version : 5.6.40
webserver : Apache, shared hosting

Re: joomla 2.5 site loading slow , high cpu usage

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:36 am
by AMurray
First note the following:

1- Joomla 2.5 is not supported - support ended December 2014. the last version of 2.5.x was 2.5.28

2- You're using a seven-year old version of Joomla 2.5.9, released February 2013

3 - Your hosting is out of date - PHP 5.6 is no longer supported (by; its EOL was December 2018.

4. With shared hosting, it might be not your site that is slow, but is being slowed down by other sites on the same shared server.

5 - "Resource limit reached" is a hosting issue, not with Joomla. "Resources" it is referring to means the hosting system resources - memory, disk space, scripts, processes, CPU cycles, Inodes, etc, which the host can impose limits on. The first call to make is to your hosting service support. they could identify if any script in particular is causing this slow down (such as a Joomla extension)

6 - You should update the site to Joomla 3.9.19 (the latest version).

7 - Submit your site's URL through GtMetrix Or Google Page Insights or similar services which will will diagnose your site and produce a report of all the suggested improvements that could be made to speed it up. Then its up to you to make the changes.