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Very simple image gallery shows only frames not images.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:21 am
by bpbeckers
I want to make a VSIG gallery on a website (already different good working VSIG gallery’s present).
I uploaded images (.jpg) to a new folder and then added the code {vsig}folder/subfolder{/vsig} to an article.
When opening the website we only see frames with the filename in it.
In the folders vsig_images and vsig_thumbs the files were present with the extinction jpg. But in de media manager we see only frames and not the images. All files in the folders vsig_images and vsig_thumbs were very small (233 bytes).
I have changed the file names from the images and folders to a simple name but that also not gave a result.
I also tried to make a VSIG gallery with images from a good working gallery on the website, but this also results in frames without the images.

Re: Very simple image gallery shows only frames not images.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:41 am
by annahersh
Right click on a missing image and view image information or use the inspector to see what path is used. Maybe you are not entering the correct path. Maybe an additional slash is needed.

Re: Very simple image gallery shows only frames not images.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:59 pm
by bpbeckers
The path is correct because in the folders vsig_images and vsig_thumbs the VSIG plug in has created filesd. If the path was incorrect joomla displayed an error. Only the created files are not correct created by the plug in. I see that more users have problem with this, but never there is a solution for this problem given.

Re: Very simple image gallery shows only frames not images.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:29 pm
by annahersh
Maybe the extension has been abandoned. Get the original SIG Pro from JoomlaWorks and always be supported.