
Allowing users to edit their own profile

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Allowing users to edit their own profile

Post by wgoltermann » Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:55 am

How can I set my Joomla 2.5.8 site to allow a user to edit his own profile. I have the profile menu item in a "members only" section of the main menu. I have also set Edit Own in Global Configuration-->Permissions to Allowed.

I have found a number of other suggestions that I found in web searches, and nothing seems to work.

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Re: Allowing users to edit their own profile

Post by johans » Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:03 am

to allow edit to all users consider the following:

user - plugin
global permission
User - access rights.

I hope you check on those parameter.

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Re: Allowing users to edit their own profile

Post by leolam » Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:28 am

Publish a menu-link (registered) for logged in users to the profile. You can select that type of link when you create a new menu link

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Re: Allowing users to edit their own profile

Post by wgoltermann » Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:22 pm

Thanks to both Johans and leolam for posting a reply to my post.

In regards to Johans' post, If I go to Extensions->Plug-in Manager, I find three plugins related to Users: User - Profile, User - Contact Creator, and User - Joomla! None of these plug-ins have any selection for allowing the user to edit own.

User - Profile: Simply shows which fields are required, optional, or disabled for both "registration and administrator user forms" and the profile edit form.

User - Contact creator: Contains no options relating to User Profile

User - Joomla!: contains only two settable options: "Auto-create Users", and "Notification Mail to User"

On to leolam's suggestion: In a members-only menu (Registered), I have a Profile menu item. It is published, access is Registered, and "Menu Item Type" is set to "Edit User Profile", which I selected from the "Users Manager" section of the "Select" pop-up.

When I select that menu item, a user profile appears on the screen, with a "Submit", and "Cancel" buttons at the bottom of the form. I can enter data into all of the fields, but clicking submit does nothing.

If I set up the "Profile" menu link to "User Profile" instead of "Edit User Profile", the only difference is that the first page to display is a non-editable representation of the profile, with an "Edit Profile" link at the bottom. Clicking that button gives me the profile edit form as above, and, again, changing fields and submitting does nothing.

What's going on?

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Re: Allowing users to edit their own profile

Post by leolam » Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:31 pm

If the submit buttons etc do not work you have a Javascript problem. Try this in an other browser and feed-back (we are doing "exclude options" exercise ?)

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Re: Allowing users to edit their own profile

Post by wgoltermann » Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:55 pm


Thanks, again, for the quick reply. I was using Safari, and just tried Firefox. Same result, but additional problems appear as well. In Safari, all of the menus drop down on mouse-over, but they don't work in Firefox. I could only activate the "Profile" menu item by putting the breadcrumb path into the URL - e.g. http://http://coloradowoodworkersguild. ... ly/profile. I would suggest you look at it, but access is restricted to registered users. I suspect that even if I sent you (by direct email) a username and password, you probably don't have time to look.

If you have any other suggestions, I'd appreciate them.

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Re: Allowing users to edit their own profile

Post by wgoltermann » Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:16 pm

I found the solution - Eureka! Here's the deal:

The user profile is set up with a number of fields, which can be set to "Required", or "Optional, or to "Disabled". These settings can be independently set for both for administrative and registration user forms, and for the user edit form.

It turns out that the administrative form left as "Optional" a number of fields which were set to "Required" in the user profile edit form. Thought the form doesn't indicate required fields except with an almost-unnoticeable asterisk (which is not explained in a footnote of the form), the "Submit" button is disabled unless all of these required fields are filled in.

So, I guess one more question remains: How can I put s message at the bottom of the form indicating that the form cannot be submitted unless all required fields are filled in? Better yet, how can I replace the profile edit form with one of my own developed with BreezingForms?

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Re: Allowing users to edit their own profile

Post by Webdongle » Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:14 pm

wgoltermann wrote:... how can I replace the profile edit form with one of my own developed with BreezingForms?
You can create a user profile plugin without using Beezing forms
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