Joomla! Marketing and PR Team: representatives wanted

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Joomla! Marketing and PR Team: representatives wanted

Post by pe7er » Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:17 pm

The Joomla! Marketing and PR Team is looking for individuals that can serve as PR representatives in their respective countries to help promote Joomla. Individuals must:

a) Have experience doing public relations/journalism work or have a degree in a communications field.

b) Be willing to meet monthly as a group, and work collectively to launch campaigns, and create PR lists, etc.

c) Be a collaborative team player

Students looking for experience are encouraged to join! This will require a minimum of 8 hours per month.

Why Join: Get experience, improve your CV, help an open source project.....and have fun with awesome, cool PR people from all over the world :)

If interested, please contact [email protected]

Kind Regards,
Peter Martin, Global Moderator
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